Trust and Consistency must be next I think ...

Last Update: August 02, 2010

Ok  trust and  consistency ... These are somehow hanging out together in my head, with a sprinkling of bit by bit ... I really could do with a scanner so I could draw idea bubbles to upload ... hmmm ...


So in the middle of my away days came a something or other from Travis ... it was a video I think ... about ... hmmm, I believe she was one of his top affiliates ... Shannon! That was her name! I remember!


Shannon is an affiliate marketer but the reason Travis wanted to talk about her  was to drive home the fact that consistent effort, even in relatively small doses can create phenomenal success. Shannon writes just one article each day to promote Travis' Magic of Making Up and creates a 'very nice thank you' income from that. Yes she does market other products but her main focus is just one great  content article for that product. But she does that each and every day. Hmm.


I'm one of those people who has great concept ideas. Trouble is chunking it down is not what I'm great at. I can motivate others to do it, and even provide a plan to help them get there but I get really stuck with it myself. Take this boring everyday example. 


In my health practice I'm legally required to keep my clients' records for several years beyond the end of their treatment. If somebody has only one or two treatments it's a real pain because the paper mountain gets ridiculous. Because it iritates me so much, I lock them away where I can't see them. Some while ago I looked at this redundant pile and growled. I knew there were hundreds which could be now destroyed. My beautiful visualisation was of a nice clear cabinet, all orderly, fresh and ready for a new load, instead of stuffed to bulging which also stuffs my mind.


But I new it would take hours if not days of tussling with the shredder, which would intermittently give up the ghost due to over-heating. True to form, because I could not achieve it immediately, I was about to abandon my beautiful visualisation of  a clear cabinet. But something stopped me.


 This idea of consistency ... and bit by bit ... and trust! It will happen, and even happen painlessly, stirred inside. I, most unusually, got a little interested in my idea so I committed to destroy just five records each day. If I got all driven and frustrated to do more (which I usually do) I would discipline myself and stick to five. I would teach myself by example and see if I liked the outcome.

And I did!

Bloody Hell!

For the first time I can remember, I consciously and absolutely stuck at something, staying bang on schedule, no frustration, with my outcome in mind. I disciplined myself and I succeeded in my dream. Of a clear cabinet.  Painlessly.


Now I know  you probably think I'm absolutley barking, even if you have stuck with me thus far. I mean, it's hardly inventing a self-cleaning house or even earning Shannon's $100,000 in a year. HA! But it is to me. Because although there's plenty I'm not good at, I am good at generalising success and porting it to other relevant projects. So, it may not be even a small step for mankind, but it really is a giant leap for Paula :)


And what next? I wonder what small steps you take to big things?


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Fallulah Premium
Thanks Maureen and yes, it is nice. It's liberatingl. In fact I think getting to a place where we can watch our own habits and behaviours objectively and with humour, is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves.
maureenhannan Premium
Thanks for a great post, Paula. This was inspiring, witty, and warm. Great to read over my morning coffee. I agree with you re consistency. Thoreau may have called it the "hobgoblin of little minds," but for me (a big picture girl like you), it ends up being a savior. I need consistency and small chunks too...nice when you begin to realize these things about yourself and make the necessary changes, isn't it?