Last Update: August 21, 2010

Fear,  insidious as it endangers success, yet pervasive while promoting failure.  Can you sense its grasp, or, like me, have you stared at its hideous face and released its hold?

 Sixty-three years old I am, yet the stark realization of the negative effect that fear has had on my life has been a recent revelation.  Focus lost, action not taken, opportunity passed by; all caused by fear.  Goodbye, you emotion of doubt and weakness!  I cast off your dastardly spell!  I move now, in the Autumn of life, toward a fearless and brighter tomorrow, devoid of your incessant tug toward isolation and failure.

 Thank you, Wealthy Affiliate University!  Thank you and all who are here for your cheerful "can-do" attitude and your willingness to help.  For this "famousplumber" you are a beacon of hope, not merely in the learning, but in the living as well!

 Goodbye, but only for now.

 Larry (famousplumber) Stahl

p.s. Thanks for the positive comments! I'm lovin' the sense

of community here!

p.s.s.  I strongly believe that fear is what  causes a lot of folks to "drop-off" after a month or so.  At first glance, the site can appear complex and daunting.  I am going to attempt to not only greet, but offer site guidance and ongoing encouragement to new arrivals.  Anyone care to join me?


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Fallulah Premium
This is a great post Larry :) It can be sooooo hard sometimes to remain positive when life seems to keep bashing you over the head, and IM can be an isolating business to be in. It's great that we're getting what we need from WA and it's great to share whatever we can (even if it's only a warm welcome at first) in helping others get what they need too. I salute you my friend :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Larry for sharing your great blog! Fear is a very primal emotion. I continue to look fear in the face and continue to move forward. This formula plays a BIG part of my success worldwide.
Temp Juice Premium
Like the vocab Larry! lol...as you stare "fear's hideous face" down, might as well throw a headbutt and make sure it doesn't wanna come back!!
dmag1306 Premium
Larry - Right On! I'm feeling it right now :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Why Goodbye? Are you leaving WA?