Fenxx - My Journey in Affiliate Marketing

Last Update: July 31, 2011

Welcome to my adventures as I embark on my journey in the world of affiliate marketing.  I am participating in the 30 days to Success Program and am moving along at a fair clip.  Sure, I work full time so I'm a day or two behind, but I'm following the program dutifully.

I have discovered that there are so many products to promote that my head is swimming trying to discern which are the best.  After reading several forum posts I know I'm not alone.  I looked at Click Bank and from what others say, it seems like a good option.  I have signed up as an affiliate for several of their promotions.

There is another products site that I just located which appears more professional and user-friendly.  Don't know if any of you have heard of them, its called "LinkShare." 

I just signed up with them to promote some of their products.  Following is the affiliate link if you are intersted in more information:

<a href="LinkShare">http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=6oUVSBzZRfA&offerid=7097&type=3&subid=0">LinkShare  Referral  Program</a><IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src="http://ad.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/show?id=6oUVSBzZRfA&bids=7097&type=3&subid=0">

I will keep you posted on my progress with both Click Bank and Link Share.  Feel free to share if you have any other affiliate sites which offer multiple products and are user friendly.  Thanks!

BTW: Check out my new website at http://familysurname.us

I have just launched it and have just submitted my first article to StreetArticles.com linking back to the site.  We'll see what happens...wish me luck!

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