New article here on 18th March 2018

Last Update: March 14, 2018

Hey Everyone,Today I wanted to give you a quick update about Jaaxy and the progress we've made with integrating it into the Wealthy Affiliate platform as the Official keyword tool! In December, I blogged about Jaaxy being integrated into WA and we added our first version of this exciting merge between the incredible keyword and research platform (in Jaaxy), and the Wealthy Affiliate community. We've got some great news, we've just made the integration more functional, and more integratedBrand.

Hey Everyone,Today I wanted to give you a quick update about Jaaxy and the progress we've made with integrating it into the Wealthy Affiliate platform as the Official keyword tool! In December, I blogged about Jaaxy being integrated into WA and we added our first version of this exciting merge between the incredible keyword and research platform (in Jaaxy), and the Wealthy Affiliate community. We've got some great news, we've just made the integration more functional, and more integratedBrand

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