Who's Accountable?

Last Update: August 30, 2010

I joined WA in September of 2009 ... well, okay ... I "signed up" in September of 2009.  After all the initial excitement and overwhelming feeling subsided a bit, I found that I let life get in the way of my progress here and I basically shelved my IM endeavor.

 Well, I'm back and this time I'm "joining"!  Meaning that I'm actually going to advance beyond all the reading and begin to start taking action.  It has actually become somewhat of an addiction to log back in and browse all the news, blogs, forums, personal stories, etc ... actually wish I had even more time to do so.

 However, I count myself blessed to be gainfully employed and despite my desire to one day walk away from my corporate gig, I am sensitive to the blessing that it is ... but I can't help but want to do nothing but more WA-stuff!

 To this end, I would like to form what I call an Accountability Group or Partnership with members within the WA community, above and beyond what exists in its current forms of having buddy lists, forum friends, and the like.

I am seeking individuals (any number of them) who will join me in developing a partnership to ensure that each and every one of us are "on task" and staying committed to our businesses.  It's too easy to become someone who sits on the back pew and never gets involved in church ... but there's no growth in that, and the risk and repercussions of remaining  there as an uninvolved participant is too great.

 I want individuals who, like me, are difficult to offend.  Individuals who can both give and take praise, encouragement, criticism, and construction without regard to getting one's feelings hurt.  Individuals who will not rest until others in the group are moving forward in their respective businesses.

Ideally the group would be made up of all levels of experience.  Experienced mentors are vital to the group.  Newbies are vital to the group.  No individual is without warrant or worthiness to the collective.  No individual is unworthy of entry ... as long as you are committed to staying in touch.

 For many (if not most) of us, the big difference maker in our selecting WA over it's counterparts was the promise of it's unique, talented, diverse and genuine community.  To this end, WA has met all expectations!  

 My hope is that an Accountability Group will further provide the impetus for each of our businesses to grow.  It is not designed to replace the WA community, but rather to enhance it.  It will serve as an extension of the WA community in that we will be the community reaching out to the individual as opposed to the individual seeking out the community.  

If you feel such an initiative intrigues you or fits your approach, I would love to join forces and further empower our efforts to be successful in our endeavors!

Let's do this thing!

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thesue Premium
Well one idea would be to form out own post 30 day club for the next 20 days and make out own tasks for each day. Backlinks will be the killer if we do nto master it, and everyone sharing what they do, with links and then go and do it would be a huge help. Example we make one wee forum week review the steps to find PR forums with follow tags and our assignment would be to sign up for two and post ten comments etc etc.
We would need a coordinator though--- someone who knows a bit more than we do?
sandy Premium
I also need this type of start. I am ready to join
MatthewM Premium
Sounds like a great idea. If you can't hold yourself accountable then its wise to get someone else to. Like the wife. Anyways writing 5 articles per weeks is more action then most are willing to take. Actions compound overtime. Just $500 to $1000 extra a month is actually life changing income for many. I believe anyone can get their short term with proper motivation and someone holding them accountable.
famousplumber Premium

I'm glad you are back and wanting to take action. I'm in my second tour here at WA. Did a year, quit for a few months, then came back. I like your Accountability idea. I'm with ya! Gimme a shout and let's exchange ideas.

Larry (famousplumber)