About Funjob
Joined October 2008
* Persistently Persuing Prosperity *

It's good to be on board the WAU and to also meet great people online with a common interest of gaining wealth and a finer lifestyle.

We are originally from Newfoundland, Canada.

The icebergs in the picture were taken by a friend of ours just offshore in Newfoundland.

I am presently employed for the past ten years in the construction/assembly field in Alberta, Canada.

Our seven pound pup Joey is presently employed as a guard dog at our compound.

Going to finally to find some success and get serious with marketing online especially with WA since they are nicely organized and offer great value.

It's great to see so many people interested in improving themselves in this always uncertain economy and we just have to focus, steer the course and apply the knowledge.

Persistently Persue Prosperity All Ways and Long May Your Big Jib Draw! ( May the wind always be in your forward sails)
Funjob's Accomplishments

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bybonline Premium
Hi! I am new and you look like an experienced WAU'er....I hope you dont mind but I added you as a friend..:) KIT!
TJ Books Premium
WE were up in BC and Alberta. Great stuff up there. We loved it. Didn't like driving in Vancouver, however. John
TJ Books Premium
I sent you a PM. What is the make of that accordion. Is it a Horner? I bought a "nice" accordion and my son took one look at it and made me take it back to the music store. I also bought a fancy G harmonica for $155 and found that it takes a lot of air. I should have asked my son first. He has a few of those around that he seldom plays. Mine is a Hohner Chromonica 260. My son said to put it on ebay. I have a lot of harmonicas. Now one too many! John
funjob Premium
Thanks ThomasJones for the intro and info on your business. There is a lot of info to digest in WA so I'm trying to spend about an hour each night to get this thing off the ground and running. This is the stuff dreams are made of!!!
funjob Premium
Shift all that negitve energy towards your well being and financial future. Step outside your comfort zone in baby steps if you are unsure and see what happens. I just finished a Squidoo Lens on making a start so feel free to check it out.
Hope the info can be helpful. It is posted in My Sites area. See Online Business Site.

Take Care and Prosper
giftbay Premium
I'm glad you like my plan I just hope its real!
giftbay Premium
I want to make it real. I just gotta stay positive, and keep on reading.
spicy Premium
hi funjob, i actually grew up camping at gull lake, nice to see a fellow albertan on here. hope success is endless for you!!
funjob Premium
Hi There,
It's a great place to camp as well as live, enjoying the lifestyle so far. People here are really laid back, some are already retired and working part time just to keep busy. Living the dream!
Take Care.