Posts by Garage667 15
February 27, 2011
Hey fellow WA members!How's everybody? I haven't updated my blog for almost 6 months now to give you a heads up of what i am preparing.I know i have not been an active member of the WA community the last period.But that doesn't mean i stopped researching, learning and practicing Internet Marketing. The last 3 and a half months i have a day job, from 8:30am to 5:30pm daily.I work at a small company as an assistant accountant.I am feeling very tired when i get back at home and my mind is not clear
August 28, 2010
Hello dear WA buddies!How is everybody?Missed me?I know you haven't heard from me for along period but now I AM BACK! I enjoyed the nicest vacations of my life!Being unemployed and having the money to be in wonderful places is just a gift!I went to a Greek island called Serifos!This must be heaven i thought!I stayed there 8 days!I went in Patra and Volos for short vacations also.And lastly i visited London(a dream come true for me) and saw my favorite band- IRON MAIDEN - live in Sonisphere!What
1 comment
Yes, it's official! I am out of order! Do not insert any coins because i am NOT going to WORK!The last 2 weeks i feel completely out of my lead.I will explain to you immediately... Remember the site i was telling you about at an earlier blog post of mine, It's a site where you can do a job for someone for 5$ or you can buy a gig from someone for 5$.And the price is fixed. So, i ve put up a gig my self in order to get my first money online, writing articles for others, applying the th
June 18, 2010
Fellow WAers,how are you? 2 minutes ago i finished this blog post and before i clicked the "Save button", i have logged out of my account and lost the data i have written so far!Arghhhhhhhh!Anyway... At first, i wanna thank you all for wishing me about my birthday last week!I wish you all the best to you and your families!And as the Greeks use to say "Health is above everything"! Secondly, i am just making this blog post, just to share my excitement with you all.I am so excit
June 09, 2010
Hello friends!How you ' ve been? The time here in Greece is 11:56 am(so have GOOD MORNING from me!), just woke up half an hour ago(i am so glad that i can do whatever i like and whenever i like!) and logged in in WA account!And you know what i 've realized minutes ago?That today is my BIRTHDAY!! Yes, i am turning 27 years old(or young!) TODAY, 10th of June,2010.And that makes me DOUBLE HAPPY because at this age,i have dealt with a lot of things in my life, good and ugly(unfortunately).But what d
June 08, 2010
Fellow buddies, how you've been? A week ago, i created my very first resource for the WA family(you can see my previous blog post about this if you scroll down a little bit ).I am really excited to say that this resource has been viewed from a 1000 MEMBERS?ARE WE SERIOUS? Guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH!I REALLY DO AND I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS!33 comments?22 votes? 8.31rating?in just one week?I am proud of my self,even though the 12 keys are someone else' s mind work, but i am still proud because i cont
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Fellow buddies and friends, how you doing?(As Joey from TV show "Friends" used to say....) :PP I came up with a great idea(i think :P) and i thought i could share it with you!shortly when i complete it, i will write a step by step resource for all of you.So, what's my idea you are going to ask me.... I found this site't worry not an affiliate link or anything).To make this clear i am not trying to sell you anything here.In this site you could post a job you are willi
June 02, 2010
Hello buddies,how is everybody this beautiful evening? I am proud to say that WA from this moment and so on,kindly hosts my first resource for the community!I am very happy for this fact because i have a put a little rock to the skyscraper that is called Wealthy Affiliate University! The resource i created talks about the 12 keys,that if followed wisely and correctly,can and will lead you to Internet Marketing success!It is for everyone who feels that he/she can't make it online,feels frustrated
June 01, 2010
You know the feeling, don't you?Even if the whole world around you is a mess,you keep trying to see the right side of the things...What i have been through the last few days is UNBELIEVABLE! I wake up in the morning and the first thing i do is to open my computer....Log in to Wealthy Affiliate, see my WA space, answer to messages from buddies,watching the member rank going from 5336 to 245 to 116 to 87 to 46..Can this be real?I can't wait to log in to the forum and read new posts or see if i hav
Times to times all this Internet Marketing stuff gets me very frustrated!I 've got tons of stuff to learn and i really can't find a decent word to describe how i am feeling in English!Let's say i feel overwhelmed.... What has crossed my mind?To QUIT!Ok not exactly to quit but sometimes i feel very disappointed.Because i am new to all this and it can be very irritating to do not know where to start from or what should i do next... I know what you might say...If you see my posts in the forum or pr