The 8 Week Action Plan

Last Update: May 26, 2010

Fellow buddies, how you 've been?

Here in Athens the time's almost 6 am and i just can't stop learning new stuff here in WA!Just started to tell you the truth with 8 Week Action Plan and completed the first 2 lessons.I feel very excited i 've got to say!

I have learned in the past some things about Internet Marketing but the way they are presented through this WA guide, surely cleared some things up in my head.

I want to make steady moves.I read blog or forum posts from fellow members,making their first sale and you know what?I am very very happy!Honestly!Because although i haven't made any sales my self until now, it gives me the courage to go on!They seem very motivating and inspiring!But i don't want to rush things up!The time should come for me too!

I also like a lot seeing new members who seem so dedicated and willing to succeed!That's one of the great things being a WA member..You know that rabbits don't come easy from the magician's hat.When you see people so motivated,you 're thinking "What am I DOING?"

You end up trying a lot harder.Putting much more effort on it!Be more willing to SUCCEED!And i like that!

Thanks for reading :)



ps My dad just woke up.He has to go to work in a couple of hours.But i don't have to...anymore!!!I know that's a mean thing to say :)





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maureenhannan Premium
I have this mental picture of you happily working away at your computer while Dad trudges off to work grumbling. Wonderful! And it's nice to know you have just a teeny weeny shred of mean in you. Ha ha ha. Seriously, Dimitris. Your energy and cheerfulness overflow right onto the blog page. I have a feeling you could probably sell ice cream in Alaska. Something tells me you'd be especially good in markets where potential buyers are really in need of an infusion of positive energy. Job hunters...chronic pain sufferers, people dealing with breakups. Always here if you want me to give feedback on copy you write for your articles. You're going to do just great, my friend. ~ Maureen
Jamie Smith Premium
I am glad to hear that you are enjoying your Action Plan!