Working from Home

Last Update: February 03, 2011

Loved the post by burntout on what it takes to make it in marketing online.

My wife and I both work out of the house. Nice not having any commute, especially when there's a foot of fresh snow on the ground. Or worse,sheets of ice.

The problem,of course, is discipline. It's too easy to go putter in the garden, play video games, read endless blogs, and so on. 

And then there's the endless list of possible avenues to take. 

It's true that by working for yourself you are your own best and worst employee.

You really have to hire yourself and work it like you would a real job. That's been hard, but I've been able to do it, at times. Then the next distraction hits...

So I'll start this year by dusting off this ancient WA membership and using it to focus in on something that might work a whole lot better than buying the next heavily pushed Guru product.

Want to hold each other's feet to the grindstone? ;)




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