About Gueorgui
Joined August 2008
Copywriter & Marketing strategist for small business owners & entrepreneurs.

Core expertise & strengths to date:

- Identifying opportunities and the next right step forward

- Generating & developing original, fresh start up business concepts

- Creating clear, precise, sequential and efficient functional work process maps

- Generating leads, keyword lists & identifying profitable niche markets

- Creating relevant advertising and marketing copy specifically for the Net (including: banner advertising, text ads, email marketing copy, sales letters) that boosts ROI.

- Web page analysis & relevant optimisation for the search engines

- Creating multimedia presentations that send the right message across
Gueorgui's Accomplishments

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canuck Premium
Hey! What's up!
Are you Slavic by any chance?
canuck Premium
Awesome. I thought so because of your name :)
I'm from Ukrainian/Russian background...
gueorgui Premium
hey Gina...

its a visual mind map containing details on how to start up, operate and grow an information marketing business - it's main benefit is to provide clarity and enhance productivity >>>>> all stemming from efficient fundamentals and processes
gueorgui Premium
Gina it was created to complement any other product in the internet marketing niche, and it is the first visual system that is about to be released.
gueorgui Premium
hey canuck,

kind of, I come from Bulgaria, we are bit mixed there. :)
gueorgui Premium
Great, nice to meet you :).... oh and congratulations on your successes:)
gueorgui Premium
yes, I know what you mean, I been glued to my screen for the last 5-7 hours too:)
gueorgui Premium
see you Jayme:)
gueorgui Premium
I am sure you will, and best of luck with your Degree.

About the clarity map, my intention is that it will fill in the gap in our industry and maximize productivity.
gueorgui Premium
I just gave you some gold for having the attitude of a real champion with a heart.

Your new friend.

gueorgui Premium
Hi Ken, how is it in Florida? probably much sunnier than down here atm.

Regarding your question, well....no matter how rough or whatever your journey is at the moment, having a clearly written vision statement and a mission statement will guide you 100% and help you move forward to and its easier to write your day to day action plans etc. if you have those 2 statements already written first.
gueorgui Premium
Ken I have a question for you. How rough is your journey atm? are you in a crisis?
gueorgui Premium
hey Lisanka :)

Thank you for the kind words, and likewise.... if you have any specific questions about IM, business development, just ask.

Have a productive day,

gueorgui Premium
I am starting to get addicted to squidoo, do you?
gueorgui Premium
hey Buddy,

That's a good question, making me to stop and reflect, but before i respond first of all....
thanks for the gold, and you are quiet right there.... "great minds think alike".

the first year was very stressful for me, after deciding to let go of my job, as i didn't have any regular income coming in.

Well...the journey so far has been full of many colors, and interesting experiences, but mostly it has been internal detox of old ways of thinking (the employee mindset) and reconditioning to think in a new ways of thinking (the business owner mindset) as well as learning to ask different questions.

The biggest success that I have achieved so far.... as a budding entrepreneur, is internal....primarily that what you focus on will grow and intensify in your life. And the most important thing to focus on is the development of ones abilities to solve financial or economic problems creatively & scientifically, and the investment in good education relevant to what you want to be doing while at the same time to make room for the natural seasons of life to take care of the growth and acceleration process.

I have also come up with a few good ideas for start ups, which I guard until I find the right intellectual property lawyers to consult with and take it further.

Oh yeah.... the commitment to mastering Internet marketing, has become fun............and ..you know the whole process of choosing an industry, selecting a niche/s, determining profitability, evaluating the demand/supply, understanding the consumer and the competition, and delivering what they want through various distribution channels online or offline it all starts to make sense...... systematically speaking.

Atm....my plan is to start generating achievable goals like first make $1000/month and gradually scale up.

oh yeah one more thing....1 of the most important realizations I have learned along the way, is the importance of belonging to a community of like minded people, and I am so excited to be connecting with other like minded individuals and growing and developing further together .:)
gueorgui Premium
Fellow Wealthy affiliates I wish you merry christmass, a victorious 2008 and a prosperous 2009, and may your dreams get realised sooner than you planned!
Stellar Premium
Hello Gueorgui, wow you've got a great About Me section. We have a lot in common: a love for photography, entrepreneurship, and raising millions for great causes! I'm definitely adding you to my buddy list. You might become a millionaire sooner than 2010 (you might be interested in joining an affiliate program/referral program that I belong to...I'm confident that I can raise millions in the next few years with them...it takes dedication and know-how, and that's why I joined WA). Feel free to visit my space and add me as a buddy to your professional network! Check out my Facebook profile and join my Facebook groups too (just scroll down to the end of my WA profile). Blessings to you! Sandra
gueorgui Premium
hey Sandra,

Great to meet you too. I like your mantra...."Conscious BE-ing, Green-Living, Responsible Profit."
By looking at your profile....it's not only photography and entrepreneurship, we have far too many things in common:) I am adding you to my buddy list and will see you soon on Facebook too.

Wishing you success and freedom.

hcloward Premium
Loved your about me section! You seem super smart and seem to have a lot of direction! Hope all is going well!
hcloward Premium
I hope all is well and I hope you have had success since we last chatted. I finally created my first lens...WOW! haha! Slowly but surely I will become an internet marketing master.
gueorgui Premium
hi hcloward,

Thanks for your kind wishes, and yes everything is going well, thanks to the abundant creative force. It's a pleasure to meet another avid and passionate learner, I am sure you will do well here once you master IM!

Wishing you success and freedom!

gueorgui Premium
yes, I have been working on a product launch, and 1 person have shown interest to see the product to determine whether it will be a good fit for their list.

I know what you mean, and totally understand you, It does take time to master it, and you are well on your way there:) I would love to see your lens.
gueorgui Premium

Whats up?

I've been away for awhile..... I believe by now you are an Internet marketing master.

How is the process for you so far? I am sure all going well.

tony p. Premium
thank's for the welcome gueorgui, and same to you.well i can see by your profile that your no newbie.......lol.i think it is great to have people with your skill's here.hope you will allow me to come knocking with some question's i might have in the future.at this point i can see im not going to be able to help you out........lol.all the best to you,tony p.