About Guitar Fire
Joined July 2008
Hi...I'm Sandi from the great northwest...at least we who are used to rain think it's pretty neat.
I am an associate Pastor who works in a church that reaches out to very needy people. Hence the need to find work that actually pays.
I am a guitar player and singer who also writes songs.
I worked in advertising as a radio jingle writer before going into the Ministry.
I've raised two fine young men,David and Daniel, and Dan is an exceptional guitar player and song writer.
This is all new to me and I am looking forward to meeting all you great entrepreunerial types.
Guitar fire...Sandi
" He is no fool who gives up what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose." Jim Elliott
Guitar Fire's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA. I hope you are working hard and having some fun too. This is the Place to Learn to Earn. I live in Idaho and one of my sons lives in Seattle. He is a very good guitarist too. Sounds like you do a lot of good work.
TJ Books Premium
Thank you for your kind words. I hope to becoming up your way soon. My wife and I are getting our passports renewed so we can get into Canada and back out again with out too much trouble. I may have told you we have family in Seattle.
TJ Books Premium
I found the town on the map and it looks like we will pass near there when we go up to Victoria. We are waiting for passports to be renewed so we will have no hassle coming back into the states. Our daughter is coming from the east but we are not sure when. That will affect our plans. Also, the price of gasoline is supposed to drop and we would like to see that happen too. John
TJ Books Premium
Yes, I am fiddling around with the new offer. I already had a diet review page so I just added a bunch more keywords. As for the popularity index I think it just goes up as you chat with others like this, and when they contact you. So I think it is messages out plus messages in. I just put up another tutorial because a member asked me about using PayPal.
John (TJ Books)
TJ Books Premium
HI, Sandi! We just got back from Seattle seeing some of our grand-kids including 4-year-old triplets. We stayed in Seaside, OR for a few days. I really like that town when the kids are off to school. So, are you making any money? I've made enough to pay of my first years tuition and then some but I have not yet developed that steady stream I'm looking for. Carson said that I should have it by the end of my first year. I hope so. John
TJ Books Premium
Hi, Sandi! Well, I had a fairly good month with WA money wise. I made almost 700 bucks, so Bum Marketing works. I hope I can keep doing that and increasing it as Carson has predicted. I've had to change my sites and how I do things and there is a lot of work left to do, but I'm getting very optimistic about the whole thing after doing everything wrong for so many years. I hope you are doing well, working hard, and having fun. John
TJ Books Premium
Gold for you! John
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome! JOHN
TJ Books Premium
I've decided that you are too fast for me but I haven't given up. JOhn
TJ Books Premium
Have a very Merry Christmas, Sandi! John
TJ Books Premium
Let's make some dough this next year, Sandi. I'm tired of messing around. John
TJ Books Premium
You can't believe how glad I was to see your lovely face again. How have you been? Yes, I'm starting to make some money in this business. In two months I will be a year here. I really didn't realize how what I had sold in 2008 when I was in WA for seven months. I sold 6 times as much in 2008 as I did in 2007 when I only sold about $1000. How is the family. Got to get up to Tacoma area to see the triplets and the other kids. John
TJ Books Premium
All five of my grand kids up your way are doing fine. Pretty cute. We have 33 now and 3-2/3 greats. We stayed at Seaside,Oregon for a few days last summer on the way home from WA. Expect we will go there again this year just for the heck of it. John
TJ Books Premium
So where is Lincoln? John
guitar fire Premium
Hi TJ thanks for the note on my site. I'm a little bummed with Idaho just now as my best friend is moving there to be with her daughters family. Her husband and I have been in the ministry together for many years.
I have a son in Lynn. Wash. who is also an awesome guitar player small world isn't it?
The more I learn here the more I realize I need to learn. The really fun part., for me, is the socializing. You are so far ahead of me but I am working very hard and got domain sites this week.
guitar fire Premium
Hi TJ,
You have what it takes to ace this program...I just felt like letting you know that, today. I have noticed that you give of yourself to encourage everyone and so here's a little encouragement backatcha.
have a great day,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Small world my best friend and her family are moving to Priest River soon. Also you mentioned you fish in the snake river and we have a resturaunt here, in Bothell, that serves the most incredible trout from that river.
We should hit a Star Bucks when you both come through!
Take care,
guitar fire Premium
Hi TJ,
Are you going for the new offer from the guys? Looks great to me!
I have a question I know you can answer. I posted it days ago and no response. What constitutes points for popularity on our profile page? Thanks, Sandi
guitar fire Premium
Thanks TJ,
I will have to check out your new tutorial. You are a blessing here at WA...keep up the good work,
boundary39 Premium
Hi guitar fire!

Welcome to WA and Internet Marketing,I hope you have a great new business.

First thing to do is follow the 8 week action plan and put into action all you are taught weekly.

Study the learning center as you go along week by week.

Ask as many questions as you can, through the Forum, you will find great help from here by the members

Study the sticky points in the Forum marked by a light bulb sign these will really help.

Good luck

Mark from the UK
guitar fire Premium
Hi Mark, I just re-read the great encouraging message you sent when I joined WA on July 7. The advice was spot on as I find myself bogged down in week 4. I was able to secure my first three web domains now it's just buckle down and do it.
How are you doing? Great, I hope.
Guitar fire,
zenshredder Premium
Do you set the Guitar on Fire with your shred or just the world?

Keep On Shreddin'
guitar fire Premium
Hi..thanks for your message on my space.
To answer your question guitar playing is to me like writing. You have a passion and you have to do it.
Take care,
Guitar fire,
Pajama Income Premium
Hi there,
That is a beautiful picture you have there
guitar fire Premium
thanks for stopping by my site. the picture is a town in Wash. state called DeMoines. I live out here where it rains a lot and yet this has been a dry hot summer. I have two sons also grown up now. Also a cat who rules.
Come back again,
Guitar fire,
Maxover4 Premium
Hi, I'm a guitar player as well! :)
Just thought I'd say hi.

Maxover4 Premium
Hey Sandi,
How have you been? I'm still hanging in there with WA, and my web site,
Learning a little bit each day! How are you doing with your campaigns?

Maxover4 Premium
Hey Sandi,

I don't have my sites hosted here on WA, I host them else where so I can't say much about the hosting here.
I have definately seen a success since I started WA though. As far as site rubix, I think it's a great tool.
It lacks some features, but it VERY easy to use.

My website http://www.ultimateguitarlibrary.com was made using site rubix, and I think it's doing the job I wanted it to do. Play around with it a bit, it's super simple to use. Good luck with your new sites.

Maxover4 Premium
Hey Sandi,

How is WA and Site Rubix treating you lately? have you gotten a hang of it yet?

I came across sus4th profile on WA spaces and saw your coment where you mention my name and teaching site.
Thank you very much, that is much appreciated :).

Maxover4 Premium
Hi Sandi,

How is everything going?
I have recently started a Squidoo page to promote WA, and I would love it if you could take a look at
it and give me some feedback. :) Here is the link: http://www.squidoo.com/makingmoneywithwa .

Thank you Sandi! Hope everything is going well,

Maxover4 Premium
Thank you Sandi for checking out my page! :)
I really appreciate it!

Maxover4 Premium
Hi Sandi,

Great to hear from you! I'm still around, but unfortunately had to take a break from IM for a while, but
need to come back to work pretty soon! How are things going for you?

guitar fire Premium
Hi Mario,
Great to hear from you and be buddies! I love your web site and will show it to my son, Dan, who is an awesome guitarist and plays rock,techno pop, jazz, gospel and writes a lot of his own songs. Do you write lyrics?
I enjoyed your video and the playing as well as the background were great. You will find success here as you get into the 8 week course.
Keep in touch,
Guitar fire,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Mario...still rippin on that cool guitar? How are you doing here at WA? How is it going with your web site?
Keep playing,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Mario,
Nice to hear from you. How is your web site doing? Have you seen any increase in success with it since
you have it hosted by WA now? I purchased some domain sites and need to build web sites for them. It doe not help being so lacking in tech skills. Have you checked out site rubix? If so what do you think of it as a site builder?
Talk later,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Mario,
I just spent a lot of time on your web site I love it! You have a good thing going and I'm glad to hear you're making money with it.
Keep up the good work!
guitar fire Premium
Hey Mario,
Thanks for the kind words I believe in you and I support and encourage those I believe in.
For some crazy reason i have been inundated with stuff to do since I joined WA and so am still in the 8 week course. I will remember to let you know if I get anywhere with the web building.
Catch you later and keep up the good work,
Sandi...thanks also for the gold!
guitar fire Premium
Hi Mario,
Great to hear from you. I have just spent the last hour on your squidoo page and it's great! There are a couple of minor grammatical things but over all you did a fine job. I am so proud of your web business and passion for what you do.
Keep up the good work, and thanks for keeping in touch,
guitar fire Premium
Hi Mario,
Are you still hanging out here at WA? If so let me know how you mare doing and how your business
is going.
guitar fire Premium
Nice to know you are back and getting IM going again. You have a lot of talent and a great web presence
so good going all the way around. Me not so much. I'm not giving up though.
Are you still teaching guitar on your web site? I have a cousin who teaches ukulele on You tube.
Don't give up, Mario, you have everything you need to succeed here.