Lazyness doesnt pay

Last Update: January 19, 2010

So I've been here at WA for almost 3 months.  I have learned a lot and made $0.  Why haven't I made any money?  Because all I have done is about once a week go on WA and read about other people and their success.  What is wrong with me?  I am just being lazy!!!!! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

My friend told me about IM and introduced me to WA.  She started 1 month before me, wrote about 20 articles then got bummed out she wasn't making money.  She called me about two weeks ago and made her first $20.  Since then she has made a new website and written a bunch of articles. It IS possible to make money.  I just NEED TO DO IT.  I have been lazy.  That’s it!!

Well today is the first day of the rest of my life!!!  I choose to make the rest of my life better. 

My new goal.  Do at least 1 thing every day towards my IM business (besides just reading about other peoples success).  I will keep living the same life I am living if I keep doing what I am doing.  Why did I start IM in the first place?  Because I am not happy with where I am at now.  This isn't any get rich quick, because that just doesn't exist (at least not legally).   I am going to need to work hard, and it will pay off. 


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sox1n05 Premium
You got it right on - "Do at least 1 thing every day towards my IM business"! I just have a conversation with slugger_mn about this earlier. There has not been a day gone by that I have not done SOMETHING!

Something will always equal more than NOTHING!!

Great post - here's some gold!