Info Overload Alert!

Last Update: May 19, 2012
I haven't been able to do very much during the week, so today was the day to buckle down and make some more progress in the 30 day success program. I found that I had to back-track over some of the days as I had forgotten what I had done previously, and then I got a bit bogged down in keyword research - over and beyond what was actually necessary! I managed to pull myself back into focus and cracked on with activating Google Analytics, joined CB and Amazon plus a couple of independent affiliate programs. I wrote content for a new page on my website, based on the concepts I had researched in the keyword tool and found some products (books) to promote linked to the information on the page. I uploaded the content but I'm now flagging considerably, due to the fact I've been glued to my laptop for around 7 hours, so I haven't got round to putting my affiliate links on the page yet. Perhaps that would be a task better left until tomorrow as I simply MUST take a break now! Maybe I can revisit it later this evening if I feel so inclined and finish the job off. The new article for SA will definitely have to wait until tomorrow...... feel like I'm making slow but sure progress. Will watch Jay's WAbinar later to affirm what I have been learning.
Hope you all have been having a fun but productive weekend, would love to know how you are getting on.
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jaymekl Premium
wow...great progress!
Sielke Premium
That's all that matters, that you keep moving forward. Once you do this a few times it gets a lot easier and you get a lot faster at it.
HelRay Premium
thank you - I was hoping that to be the case. Whenever you learn something new - it takes time to get your head around it, then suddenly it just clicks!
Sielke Premium
Definitely, it's like everything it becomes second nature, you no longer have to go research on what you're supposed to do, you just do it. That being said it's always good to stay up to date with best practices and WA makes it easy to do that.