Free Picture Resizing

Last Update: June 27, 2012

I had a problem with adding images to my articles because they were always to big to upload. Where I live Internet is not broad band so I could only upload small pictures – meaning 25KB.

Went on to Google and typed in “how do I resize my pictures” and up came – Free On Line Picture Resizing, at www This solved the problem in one go, and is indeed free.

It takes a little bit of getting used to so here’s a quick run through for anyone that would like to use it.

1. Find it on the web (of course). On the first screen if you are only resizing one picture go to step 2. If you want to resize more then one click on “multi pictures” and the steps then follow same as here.

2. Browse for your picture in your library and when found click on it and then “open” and then back on the resize app screen, click on “continue”.

3. System can take several seconds to load the picture, depending on it’s size.

4. To resize it scroll down to number 2 on the left hand side of the new screen (resize your picture).

5. Click on the right of the bar that says “Make my picture 50% smaller” – to get the drop down menu.

6. At the bottom of this menu is – “Custom Size”. Click on this option.

7. You then will get a new part of the screen appear and you will see “Width and Height” boxes to enter. I put 300 in each of these as the minimum size for articles is 200 (pixels).

8. Now for each of width and height boxes click on the “Percent” arrow to reveal the drop down option of pixels. Click on “pixels”. This means you are asking the app to resize your picture to 300 Pixels width and 300 pixels Height.

9. Having done this click on – “I’m done resize my picture” at the bottom of the app screen.

10. This takes about 10 seconds and you are then presented with options to “Preview” the outcome, which I always do, and also to “Save” it to your laptop or whatever device you are using. I always do this and label it resized..

11. There are also options to “Save to web” or “Advanced edit”, neither of which I have tried.

12. If you want to resize more pictures go to the single picture button at the top of the screen and start again

13. Doing this, solved my problem and as I am not technically literate it was great as it was very simple to use. I can now upload any picture I have re-sized.

Hope this helps someone else; enjoy!


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garethb Premium
I use IrfanView. Free and does a lot including batch mode.
Amy Farr Premium
Thanks Hudson !
slayton1s Premium
Try Picasa 3. It's directly from Google. That's what I use. I normally resize them in Picnic mode or whatever it is. 4 easy steps - Upload, collage, picnic, crop, done.