Seeding Your Campaigns with Fiverr too

Last Update: November 18, 2011

Hey everyone,

I know that WA jobs are available to help you do some jobs like article writing etc to seed some of your internet marketing costs. So I'm putting out out there as well for those of you who can't afford to be a WA member unless you make money from WA and need seed money. I would love for you people to stay and get more knowledge and be successful at IM like everyone else. so here's the breakdown:

 1. Post Article, commenting and Video testimonial gigs

 a. writing articles: say that you can write a 400 word article that is unique and do it as an (express gig) in less than 24 hours and you can start making ok money.

 b. say that for example you will post 25 comments on people's blog posts, youtube vids and fb pages (warning this can be time consuming but a lot of people want this)

c. video testimonals: make sure that you tell that you can do it in 24 hrs and that you post a video showing who you are so people will want to hire you.

 Doing this can get you your WA membership paid for every month with no problems. Please remember though that you can't spend too much time on this because IM should be your #1 priority on here.

 Hope this helps new people here at WA :)

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kyle Premium Plus
Great post Hussien!
Hussien Premium
Thanks Kyle, I think this will really encourage new WA members to stay :)
cashnickpark Premium
i can def do that idea, i have about 2000+ facebook friends due to being a local dj here in hawaii GREAT IDEA!!!!
Hussien Premium
You can check all the gigs out there (top ranking ones) and see how you can compete with them. Freshly posted gigs get the most traffic at first, if you can get good reviews and send them to your customer fast then you will get overloaded by so many of them.
cashnickpark Premium
i can def do that idea, i have about 2000+ facebook friends due to being a local dj here in hawaii GREAT IDEA!!!!
Now, that's a new twist on social media sites. Never heard of
magistudio Premium Plus
Great idea Hussien! Another service you can provide is social bookmarking URL's because doing this from various IP's certainly can give your site a boost.
Hussien Premium
Thanks for the feedback Jay. Some people make some pretty good money on Fiverr lol. One guy has 4000 fb friends and just posts people's businesses on his fb profile as a gig and has got over 3000 gigs and $12,000 from just doing that alone.