Leap and the Net Shall Appear?

Last Update: November 13, 2009
I deliberated on joining WA for a few months. I first heard of it from Ryan Moran's site and on 5 Star Affiliate Programs while browsing their forums. I started doing more research on affiliate marketing and WA kept popping up. That or I was unconsciously looking for it. It had become a symbol for internet marketing in my mind.
Let me back up though. I actually bought Ewen Chia's book "How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too!: The Complete Insider's Guide to Making Millions with Your Internet Business." Wow, that has to be one of the longest book titles I've ever seen. But that's not the point. I read most of the book and felt a tickle of interest. Plus with a background in web development I knew I already had most of the skills I needed to start right now.
So I played with the idea. I researched. I pretended I was doing things for awhile. I was doing the research but I wasn't taking much action, investing or risking anything. I was afraid to fail before I even began. I kept WA in the back of my mind but I never put the money down because I knew the moment I did I'd feel committed and in a way, trapped.
I got an email from Ryan Moran about a limited $1 7-day trial membership to WA and then I thought if I didn't do it now I probably never would. So here I am "taking action." Most everyone wants the American dream, freedom. I include myself in that group. I want more freedom. I work full-time, I don't have financial security and I don't feel I'm in control of it. So I took the bait knowing about the short-term trap. I'm committed to this now.
I've heard a lot of hype about this place from various sources. Some of them were being paid to say it and some of them probably weren't. I'm not disappointed yet. It's evident there is money to be made and the support system looks superb. I can't wait for my first "failure" on this new path.
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osotomayor10 Premium
If your willing to make a commitment to this there is no doubt you can succeed, sometimes the universe has ways of bringing things to us but action is the only way you'll know if you can succeed.