The Sky is Falling! (again)

Last Update: August 11, 2011

Ryan Deiss is at it again with another scarcity pitch about the web changing, and how if you don't do this or that you're DOOMED to fail online.  DOOMED.

I watched the full 60-minute presentation, but what do you know I'm one of the idiots who willfully chooses to fail online.

If you're curious, the latest product is called Digital Marketer Labs.  I'm not promoting this, and I'm not a member, but I have a sneaking feeling that it's over-priced and most of its subscribers won't even meet their ROI.

I cheated a bit and did some research on Ryan's cred which may be of interest to anyone still reading:

The Web is changing, that's a fact, but it has been doing so since it was created.  There's a trend towards mobile phones and mobile marketing, but for the time being people will still be purchasing online at their computers when they come home.

I'm still going to pursue my internet marketing endeavors and keep an eye out for changes, but not let the scare tactics frighten and distract me from what's right in front of me.  I suggest you all do the same.


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idm Premium
You nailed it.
rocktivity Premium
Click here or die doom and gloom scary stats tragic personal life sob story technical mishmash rich overnight fancy house and car pics evasive exploding sales figures what this product isn't evasion of that the product is trust me send me sixty-dollars time is running out thank you and good night WAIT send me fifty seven dollars WAIT send me your email so I can harass you some more the end.
idm Premium
Video can convert so highly, but to be honest I'm not using it much yet. I borrow YouTube videos from others, but someday I'll have to stop being chicken and make up my own video content.
klrrider Premium
Watched most of the pitch myself and wasn't impressed. WA tactics are solid so we need to stick to them...The graph was interesting... video use of the web is still growing... off the charts.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Ian, for doing the research. So tired of the "doomed" email myself. I unsubscribed to Ryan Deiss' newsletters. He barraged me with offers. After a while, it all sounds like blah, blah, blah. And I don't like his fear tactics. Don't know anything about Digital Marketer Labs. There is some new software out there that has piqued my curiosity, not from Deiss. I'm testing one of them just to see what happens. Been a lot of talk about how SEO doesn't matter anymore, but I don't believe it. Am seeing evidence of it still mattering. I had a nice surprise yesterday. One of my websites just doubled unique visit traffic numbers and I haven't done anything on that site in a year. Strange, but wonderful.