Try on Some New Lenses

Last Update: October 28, 2009
I read a book by Daniel H. Pink entitled, "A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future." It changed my perspective on my career, my education and how I think in general. I recommend it to anyone who feels stuck where they're at. I started to look for things in the negative space after it was pointed out by Mr. Pink (no, not Steve Buscemi) that there's an arrow in the FedEx logo between the 'E' and the 'x.' How interesting is that? It has been there for a long time but I never saw it that way until it was suggested that I look at it differently. Clearly the lenses that you observe any object through is of critical importance. I want to constantly upgrade the lenses I'm viewing my environment through. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be happy to hear about them. Ironically I just broke my glasses. That may be of no relation but I find it significant because the prescription is no longer sufficient. In closing I recommend reading Dan's books and watching his DVDs.
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Internetgranny Premium
How amazing! First I couldn't find the arrow, now I can't not see it.
Skybound Premium
Love the bit about the arrow. I certainly hadn't seen it either. I've added the book to my Amazon wish list. Sounds right up my alley. Thanks for that.