Use Feedback to Correct Your Course

Last Update: October 28, 2009

Have you ever played pin the tail on the donkey? You're blindfolded but that poor donkey is relying on you. It's hard enough being a donkey with a tail let alone a donkey without one. What can you do to help him?!

Listen for feedback from those around you and correct your path if you feel like you're getting off track. There are two kinds of feedback: positive and negative. Positive means you're getting warmer, negative means you're getting colder. They're both equally useful in achieving your goal. If it's pin the tail on the donkey then you'll be using audio feedback to hit your mark. With internet marketing it's far more complicated.

 I like to give positive feedback to others here but sometimes negative feedback would be more helpful. It takes a mature person to use negative feedback constructively but if you can use that you'll move much faster. My goal is to help as many good people as I can while making my climb to the top. I'm constantly correcting my direction with the feedback I'm getting from WA and others in my personal life.

If you think of yourself like a missile moving toward a target and use the feedback you're given then your success is almost assured. If anyone has feedback, negative or positive I'm open to it anytime, thanks for reading.

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sox1n05 Premium
Very nice post - this is exactly true though. If we always treat people with kid gloves, they may never get it right. Tough love is what it's called!