Posts by IGOTFISH 6
July 17, 2012
In my quest to promote Wealthy Affiliates I have encountered a recurring theme. People are afraid to give Internet Marketing a try. I ask What are you afraid of ? Maybe it's the fear of what other people will think or maybe it's because you don't think you are computer literate enough.I heard a speaker the other day that had a unique insight. He believes Americans are afraid. My thought was Afraid of what? He went on to explain that the unending bad news of the last several years has
Has anyone else taken Googles new power searching course. I just took the first installment and found it very informative. They covered finding image results by color, how their search engine works, keyword choices, word order and finding text on a web page. It was geared to those who know a little but not a lot about Google search. It was short, fast moving and very well done. You can find it here Google Power Search
May 16, 2012
i was just reading an article about a company started in April of this year that is offering college level interactive courses over the internet. It is growing rapidly which is no surprise based on the cost of a college education. What struck me was a comment that since it is worldwide there is always someone up to ask questions of or chat with. My first thought was WA has been doing that for a long time. Here is the url if you would like to check it out, Come the Revolution - h
May 14, 2012
Is anyone else having trouble promoting WA on Pinterest? I have been doing okay with it but recently I'm getting an error message saying the site has spam or inappropriate content. I have used Tinyurl to change the link but with no success. Let me know if anyone has a fix.
April 26, 2012
I'm looking for ideas on how to get involved in the new 10 day free trial. I just need some specifics on how to do it. I have several websites up and running. I 'm on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest just not sure how to promote the event. Thanks in advance fore your help
I am anxiously awaiting the info on how to get involved in the new 10 day free trial. I hope I haven't missed a posting on it. Does anyone know how the info will be disseminated? This is my first time blogging here so hopefully I am asking this question in an appropriate manner.