Posts by Iliana 2
January 17, 2010
Today I decided to start a personal blog, which I think will help me achieve my goal. In fact, I am sure it will. I thought that since I have to set goals, why not put them in public so everyone can see them and give me his opinion.  My new blog can be found here: I just finished with the set up, but i would really appreciate if you could pass by and dropped me a line.
January 15, 2010
I joined two days ago and I have to say this is the best community I know (after almost 5 years searching online). I am a bit confused with all the information I found here and I don't really sure where I should start from. So, I think I have to study more, right? Well, I have many things in my mind, I have decided about my niche and now I have to learn and act.   I will be back when I have an action plan in my mind.