4 day money making blueprint?

Last Update: January 26, 2010

I spent some time today studying the 4 day money making
blueprint that Travis Sago is promoting in his emails. His bum marketing emails are what got me to sign up with WA after all.

  I want to know everything there is to know about article marketing
so I can start earning a real income after being unemployed for years.

Any advice from you out there?


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Ezinewriter Premium
There are several ingridents that will make your article marketing campaing successful, but I would say that the first one ingredient for success in article marketing is CONSISTENCY.

Article marketing doesn't work if you are not consistent with it.
John Edmunds Premium
I've just started with 4D-MMB and have to say I'm very impressed. David pretty much explains everything you need to know about article marketing and he makes it so simple to understand. My advice to you is stick with this programme... its the best one around for article marketing.
jsides Premium
I've became a member of David's 4 day money making blueprint way back before it was even on clickbank and still support it as much today as I did then. For anyone wanting to learn how to article market THIS IS HUGE. I also love that David doesn't spam my email with "the latest greatest offers" day in and day out. A+ dude.
idm Premium
I like 4-DMMB but I do think the videos could be a lot shorter. So I kind of skipped around because it was taking me too much time/concentration for each one. If I start again I may try to take it slower and focus in a little more. I skipped to the end and got a lot of good ideas though. My advice would be to dig into one thing and concentrate your efforts. When you are feeling like an expert you can move on and the info will stay with you better.
idm Premium
I like 4-DMMB but I do think the videos could be a lot shorter. So I kind of skipped around because it was taking me too much time/concentration for each one. If I start again I may try to take it slower and focus in a little more. I skipped to the end and got a lot of good ideas though. My advice would be to dig into one thing and concentrate your efforts. When you are feeling like an expert you can move on and the info will stay with you better.