Posts by ITests 5
July 23, 2018
July 22, 2018
New blog
Does Google hate affiliate links? This is a question I see all the time. Actually, I don't see people asking this question as much as they should be. Most people just announce flat out that Google hates affiliate links, or worse, Google hates affiliates in general.You'll see quotes about how Google hates having affiliates messing up their search engines, and how they're out to get sites that have affiliate links.You'll see people citing the Panda algorithm (which is a "Site Quality" algorithm f
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Akismet has gone from FREE to PAID.While we don’t have a problem with paid plugins/themes (there are many out there), Akismet started out as a “by donation” plugin and has moved into a capitalistic plugin as they accrued a significant install base. This would be no different than Facebook offering you a free social platform and then years later deciding there was going to be a $10 charge per month. Would you pay? Probably not, you would likely move onto the next better thing.
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If you need help assembling your grocery list, it seems that Amazon has a product for you. The company is featuring something calledAmazon Dashon a new web page. Apparently it’s a Wi-Fi-connected device that allows users to build a shopping list by scanning bar codes and saying product names out loud. It connects directly with AmazonFresh,the company’s grocery delivery service, so once your list is complete, it should be easy to make the purchase from your smartphone or laptop. Among the b