My Excuse

Last Update: January 26, 2011

In response to Mcstir's blog post of "What's Your Excuse" (I hope you she doesn't mind me responding this way),

I may have got myself spread too thin.  In earlier attempts at IM I made the huge mistake of buying into expensive programs (see an earlier post for Ooops I did it again).  Now I have to work two jobs - one full time the other part time - while building on the business.  Thank God for WA and thier tutorials on Penny Pinching Marketing so I can correct that mistake.

Also attempting network marketing and looking at income properties and affiliate marketing and still holding onto my screenwriting dream.

So I know I had to take action, of any kind, no matter how small drawn inspiration from the Nightongale Conant program One Small Step Can Change Your Life.

So I have the book The Coffee Break Screenwriter, Writing Your Script 10 minutes at a time by Pilar Alessandra.

What I'll pull off then is I will become a produced screenwriter, and I will produce and income stream from Internet Marketing - no matter what.

One of my onw inspirations is Bruce Dickinson, the lead singer for Iron Maiden.  In addition to being the lead singer to a hugely successful music group, which obviously takes up a lot of time, he is also a commercial airline pilot, a published novelist and a produced screenwriter.  So the "no time" excuse is not really a valid reason.

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