Daily inspiration - Day 1

Last Update: July 12, 2012
I do not believe God put me or you on this earth to be ordinary, God put us here because we can exceptional, extraordinary beings, and we can achieve extraordinary things.
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very very true...
Dins Premium
I agree,sometimes I get despondent, but I know that nothing is impossible through Christ who strengthens me!
Jane Doe Premium
Right on the spot with that one. We are strong believers. May you be blessed in all your endeavors.
Hi Dins, I can tell you are a Blessed Person in this world you will find lots of tribulations and lies among the lost. I am also a Christian and believe that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Light.. So let your truth shine through.

It is possible to make money at this game, so far I like what I see here, but you need to work hard at it, you will get results...God Bless... Jashco