Day 4 success

Last Update: July 16, 2012
Hi everyone

It has been a cold miserable weekend, we are not used to such low temperatures. But besides all that, we are at Monday, and I have not written a blog post for the whole weekend. Not that I did nothing on my internet business all weekend, I did some stuff. Let me tell you about it.

I decided to start with a brand new campaign. How exciting. I got some info and ideas together for about 14 articles. So on Sunday I decided I will buy my new domain, get it set up here at WA and start building my site in order for me to start writing my articles to link back to the site.

If you have recently done the "first 10 days" then you should recognize that I am done with day 5 of it. Have to start with day 6 then, I am doing good with the "first 10 days". Moving on further than I have ever done before. And I also did another article for my already awesome existing site.

That is good success so far. My planning was to start building my site tonight, as I have loads of info ready to just put on there. I encounter a "error 404". I have no idea what this is, and I have never seen it before, I asked around and I got some amazing help. But the problem was not solved and I logged a ticket to have it resolved. Therefor I cannot continue with my site tonight, I have to wait for them to resolve my ticket. I can't wait to start.

I am calling it a night then, I still have a very thick head, full of flu and got some medication that I to take and that makes me sleep like a baby. I'll go take that and then I will continue with my very successful journey first thing tomorrow. Still trying to get the bronconemonia under control too.

may you all have great success and great winning ideas. good luck to all. I am not by any means negative or anything in that line, I am just very tired. I will be my old jumping excited awesome successful self again in the morning.


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Jane Doe Premium
Thanx Kyle, your comment is really helpful.
Hi from John,,,,,,hoping to contribute some very helpful info soon,,,,,,for instance I have just learned from the Warrior forum that squeeze pages are out
Jane Doe Premium
Hey, thanx John.
kyle Premium Plus
Squeeze pages are not out, they still serve a purpose online. They can be very beneficial depending on what kind of marketing you have running, in particular if you are looking for quick leads through paid marketing. If you are doing SEO, yes, squeeze pages are not a good option and you won't get ranked. Many PPC networks don't like them either.

Great to have you here at WA!