Day 5 & 6 success

Last Update: July 19, 2012
And it is a GREAT success. I am so proud of myself I could just burst open. Check it out if you like:

My brand new site that I've made with the "your first 10 days" course. I am now officially starting with day 7 of the course. I think my new site looks great, absolutely amazing! And I have a good feeling about this one, I really really believe that this one will make me my first $1000 very very soon. I ask each and every one of you reading this now to see it and believe it for all that it's worth please. I need this to work.

I think I am well on track with my planning and with the 10 day course. I will start to write my first 20 articles for my new site tonight, and also continue with day 7. I plan to finish the 20 articles in the next 4 days. So in other words by Tuesday I will have 20 articles with great content linking back to my site. Great idea. And I will also put a little blog post on the site with each article.

I am so excited, I just cant wait to do it all and be a great success with my online business.

Great success and wealth to you, I believe you will get all you want and dream about.

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Lou rael Premium
Great information, my daughter just found out that she is pregnant, I will definitely refer her to your site. Don't forget to install your social plug in so your information can be shared.
ronamo Premium
Very nice and informative site.
agroulx34 Premium
agroulx34 Premium
Why isnt this site backed by BBB?
Jane Doe Premium
I have no idea what you are talking about. what is BBB?
craign Premium
The site looks great, Jane! My step sister is 8.5 months pregnant and she is still looking up nutrition and what she needs to eat and not eat to make sure baby is healthy. I believe in you on this one! It's gonna be good, just make sure you don't get discouraged. Give it time. It rarely ever happens when we want it to, but if we stick with it, it will happen when we need it to :)