Day 7 & 8 success

Last Update: July 25, 2012
A few days have passed. I had a plan and I am way behind on my schedule, I have added some stuff to my plan and I have done some of the stuff but not all of it yet. I decided to take the leap and start another business in a nearby town, I am hard at work on the business plan to get it to the bank for a loan ASAP.

I plan to resign my "gambling" job next week Tuesday. I am starting a new business and I am growing my IM business. I am selling my parent's business for a commission which will also help a long way towards growing my two businesses.

I have not even started writing my articles yet, the ones I was going to write for my new site. I am struggling to find the time to do it all. That is the main reason for my resignation. I get up in the morning at 5, then I am on my way to work before 7 to start working at 7 and then I work till 4 and then I have to get home to do some piano practices. I have about an hour for that, and then it's off to get my son and then we cook and spend time together till just before 7. By that time we have to be done having supper and then we go through a bath and put on some nice fresh clothes and then we are off to church, we get back home at about 9 and then it is brushing teeth and going to bed time for Alrick and story reading time which all ends just before 10. Then it is off working on my own stuff, my IM business and then I have to get to bed to have at least 5 hours of sleep to tackle the next day again. Oh, and I also do my mother's accounts for all her 300 clients every month in between somewhere there too. What do you think, a bit busy or what?

I decided to take the leap, i have some really awesome ideas which I know and believe will work and I am going to pursue my own dreams and ideas. I know it's a bit risky, but we all have to do something really crazy at least once in our lives, this will not be my first time for crazy, but it will be my first time with a husband and a son which I am responsible for. It is all both exciting and a hell of a lot scary. I am nervous all the time, but I also find myself smiling the entire time as well. I am so excited about the move!

I hope to finish the business plan tonight, so I can start writing again tomorrow. I have all the info ready, it is just a matter of putting all the info into great awesome articles. I currently have 49 published articles, so I'll be passing 50 before the weekend still, great going on that.

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Carson Premium Plus
Jane Doe Premium
ahhh thank you Carson. You are the best! I am soooo glad I stumbled upon WA when I did, it has greatly enriched my life so far. Can only get better from here on out.
Ty Johnson Premium
I wish you success in both of your businesses, it's not easy giving up the security of a job to strike out on your own where you have no idea what will happen, I know because i did the same about a year and a half ago and it's been a struggle for both time and money.

All that being said, I am not sure if I could ever go back top working for someone now, I love having my own business, I also love my IM business which I am happy to say is getting better and better every day, so it is worth it...just don't expect it to be easy, I'm sure there will be trials along the way but if you know that going in it's easier to deal with
Jane Doe Premium
Thanx for the great advice. I'll be sure to call on you when times are hard for a little inspiration. Great success to you.
Ty Johnson Premium
anytime my friend
mama2karsten Premium
When you choose to live your dream ... anything is possible. i too am starting over... And it is an incredible scintillating feeling! One dream... so many possibilities. Live it and Love it! Good luck and enjoy the ride! _Julie
Jane Doe Premium
Thanx, I am definitely enjoying it so far, since I made the decision, cannot stop smiling :-)))
BIS Premium
You have an awful lot on your plate. Make sure that you don't overwhelm yourself. You can't do everything. Remember to take a little bit of time for you - even if it's 10 minutes to meditate and clear your mind.

Take care and the best of luck with your new ventures

Jane Doe Premium
Thanx Beverly, my life has always been this busy, I would love to have some time to just chill and do something just for me. I should start meditating like you suggested. Got to see whether I can squeeze it in there somewhere.