First 3 day success

Last Update: July 13, 2012
I have done the first day of the 10 day challenge, finished it, moving on to day two now. Then I have also published 2 articles, and submitted one more waiting for it to be published. Then I have also added 2 new blog posts to my site, and I have made some great new friends here on WA as well as on the Secret Writers Society on Facebook. This is also my 4th blog post on WA. I will be posting my 5th in a few minutes, as I still need to give everyone a little inspiration for the day.
Wow, I think I am doing great!

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Jane Doe Premium
Thank you all, the 3rd article has been published in the meantime, and I have made another blog post for that specific article too. It feels great.
BIS Premium
Well done for having achieved so much in a short space of time.
mama2karsten Premium
Way to go Jane! Congrats!
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, Jane Doe! Congratulations on achieving this great accomplishment. As you progress through the 10 day challenge you will be learning more on becoming a very successful online marketer. I wish you all the success. I hope you will become a member of WA after your ten-day trial period is over. Good luck!
Jane Doe Premium
Hi Georgejhaas, thanx for the comment, but I have been a member for 4 years already, you can read my first blog post, then you will see what happened and why I am only doing the 10 day now.
Good luck and great success to you too.