
Last Update: April 22, 2010

When I was kid, I used to love to go to Disneyland. I loved the feeling of A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N I had the night before so much that I could barely even sleep. On the drive there, I could barely hold in my excitement and often got in trouble because of it.

When we finally arrived, we had to park our car in a far away lot and walk Forrrrever and it seemed like we would never get there. Then, We have to wait once more at the ticket counter--CMON--- CANT WE JUST GO IN ALREADY?? We have our tickets NOW and we have to wait in one more line before we can even go in.. WERE here YAY.. but wait, theres more. We just cant go walking around Disneyland with no plan!!!

AND there are LINES we have to wait in (there was no Fast Pass then)

So now after all the waiting and the anxiousness -My Mom would tell me to have patience.. HAVE PATIENCE?? hey I'm just a kid ya know??
All I want to do is go on the rides and eat the cotton candy and have FUN!! I dont have time to sit and wait... Patience?? HAH!!!

Learning to start your own Internet marketing business is kind of like being a kid at Disneyland or seaworld, or even a candy store. You are soooo excited at the POSSIBILITIES!! And You just cant wait to get there, to the place of Financial independence-- to that land of excitement where the rides never end!!

For any of you that know me, here is something you have to realize, I have said it before and I will say it again. In order for you to succeed in your Business, you have to understand that it will not be an overnight process. - I hate to burst your bubble- there is no magic button, you really do have to work at it. But if you work with a Burning Desire, the right way and Learn the steps you need to learn in the beginning, then you have a Fantastic shot to change your Stars.

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Kat_2001 Premium
Cool post and great analogy! Go Disneyworld! lol
Jazonc73 Premium
I can still feel it too- that anticipation.. then i just have to slow down and remind myself that I am building a business that will last for years and not just a fly by night one shot deal. -- love Disneyworld too.. been there twice..
cld111 Premium
Yes, I do think the anticipation of building up your online business IS like going to Disneyland as a kid. (Disney World for me. :) ) And having patience is the hardest part. But, it pays off in the end right? Just like getting on Magic Mountain. The ride is worth the wait.
Jazonc73 Premium
Thanks.. I love to tell stories!! - because we are limited by our communication to others-especially on the net-, I think the best way to keep my subscribers interested is to tell a story as opposed to just giving facts.. May your success be all you can hold..
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you. Nice post. And if you approach it with the joy and enthusiasm of a child and maintain that freshness and innocent belief, then you will feel little to no discomfort on the path. Best of success to you. I like the story you told.