About JdeHaan001
Joined April 2010
Career: Machine Design; Learning Web Design, and Internet Marketing.

Interests: Reading, Vegetable Gardening, Renewable Energy, Self-Sufficiency & Sustainability.
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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi John! Thank you for the buddy add. How're things going for you so far? Feel free to drop a line, or ask a question. If I can help, only too happy. All the best to you.
jatdebeaune Premium
Great that you are learning Dreamweaver and CSS. I need to do that too. Also Joomla. I'm slightly technophobic, but also fascinated with web design. I think too many people are not spending enough time on their articles. I'll take quality to quantity any day.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for the Missing Manual tutorials. I want to redesign a couple of my sites and feel I need more flexibility than WordPress templates allow. Mine are Dreamweaver sites. May have to hire someone if it gets too sophisticated for me technically. Nonetheless, I want to learn the tech to get to the design part. Thanks John.
jdeHaan001 Premium
Thank you so much for the nice offer, I just may take you up on it sometime. I've revitalized myself and am now working on my third campaign. The first two were not successful, despite a lot of work. I had saved lots of notes over the last couple of years, but recently I've been gleaning WA, looking for updated strategies (article marketing, keyword research, etc.), trying to determine what's relevant, and what's not anymore, considering Google's Panda updates.

I've been studying web design using Dreamweaver and CSS, and learning Photoshop from a web design perspective. In search of updated strategies, I decided to sign up for the 30 Day Success Club, and the Street Article 30 Day Challenge to help me. I guess a have a hard time composing articles quickly. They're quality articles, but I need to pick up the pace, and whip them out quicker.

Thanks again for your nice sentiments.
jdeHaan001 Premium
Hi. There's a group that sells web design training (LearnWebDevelopment.com), although I haven't sign up with them, and likely won't. I've very pleased with the 'Missing Manual' Series tutorial books by David Mc Farland. They're awesome! ...but I wanted to say that about a year and a half ago they were really pushing the training for Joomla, as they felt that it was a better, easier platform than Wordpress. They also sell Wordpress training, and really push that now, and I hardly ever hear about Joomla anymore. I think it's only because it's more popular, not necessarily that it's better.
webkab Premium
Thought I'd connect with you since we have been in WA about the same time together. I took the 30 day training twice and especially appreciate potpiegirls blogs and magistudio Jays wabinars and instructions. I launched a business at www.comforthealthybikesaddles.com that producing a small income right now. All because of WA. Best of luck to you and MUCH SUCCESS.
webkab Premium
I do get traffic, make sales and had the site reviewed by Jay a few months ago. I have an assistant that helps with the backlinking and everytime she backlinks my site I get activity and new sales. There is a combination of things you need to do to get people to come to your site and buy. First, good content, Second - Good Key Words, Third - Niche Product in demand Forth - Backlinking - Fifth - Many articles on lots of article sites backlinking to your site. If you can get linked from a popular site that really helps in the rankings.
jdeHaan001 Premium
Dear Webkab, I'm so very sorry that I had missed your post. Thank you for contacting me, and thanks for the nice wishes. Yes, I too, had enjoyed posts by PotPirGirl. I don't see her around WA much lately, though. I had purchased her 'One Week Marketing' information, and was following those suggestions for awhile. I thoroughly enjoy Jays WAbinars! I don't always make the live presentations, but I try. If I don't, I definitely watch the recordings, and take hand-written notes. Isn't that a great resource?!

Anyway, over the last couple of years, I've built three or four Wordpress mini-sites and written a bunch of articles for each, but none had taken off. When the domains were up for renewal, I decided to let them lapse, and shut them down. I was creating Squidoo pages as PotPieGirl recommended, but didn't see much traffic from that either. Maybe because of Google algorithm changes, I don't know. I do know that I write well-researched articles, so the content is good. I did keep one WP site I didn't shut down, even though I'm not selling anything from the efforts. Another mini-niche site I built with Dreamweaver is relatively new: ReverseOsmosisSystemsReview.com is only just starting to see some traffic. So far, I written about 25 articles around researched keyword phrases and submitted most to Street Articles. I've got some ideas to improve the site that I need to implement. How do you drive traffic to your site(s), do you write articles, or maybe Pay per click? You did a nice job with your site there. It's nice looking. I hope your sales are surging!

Hope to see you around WA.
sar3483 Premium
Hi jdeHaan, welcome to WA. Feel free to get in touch if there's anything that I can do for you.
jdeHaan001 Premium
Hi sar3483, Thank you for welcoming me, and for your offer. I really appreciate it. -John
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
jdeHaan001 Premium
Thanks a lot Jamie! -John
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
jdeHaan001 Premium
Hi'ya Louise, Thank you for the welcome. You make me feel glad to be here. -John