About JoeNob
Joined September 2009
I figured I needed to update this "About Me", because it's kind of old. It's been almost 2 years, since I last updated it. So, anyways....

My real name is Joe. I'm 31 years old, and live in Winter Haven, FL. I have a girlfriend, who means everything to me. Also, she has 2 kids, which feel like they're my own. On my free time, I enjoy spending time with them, and just enjoying life.

Other than being with my girlfriend and 2 kids, I usually just play video games, such as Team Fortress 2, Beat Hazard, Killing Floor, Dawn of War II, and few other games. Also, I like hanging out on Facebook and talking to friends. Another thing I like to do is make websites. So far, I've only had luck with one website, that brings in traffic. It's more of a movie review website, and not just an affiliate site. I use it to give me something to do, when I'm bored out of my mind. Other than that website, I really haven't had much luck with making sales. I have made a few sales, but nothing like steady sales or ones that happen, at least once a month.

Last week, Kyle and Carson made me an offer that I couldn't pass up. So, I figured I would give Wealthy Affiliate another try, because I really would like to make a career out of marketing online. It would allow me to give my family the time with them that I really want. Also, for the future, it would allow me to show them the world, and be able to enjoy life and not stress over things like "Will I be able to pay my bills this month?". I feel like I shouldn't have to worry about if I'm going to have a job the next day, or not. With the economy like it is, it's really hard to be able to set plans, and enjoy life the way it should be.

I do have a few ideas in mind, when it comes to affiliate marketing. So, this time, I'm going to try these ideas out, and see what comes out of it. I'm sure some of those ideas will fall through, and I know I'm going to fail a lot of times, but I'm willing to work through it and keep trying, because I can only fail so many times, before a break comes and something amazing happens. When that day comes, it will be so worth every downside and fail that came my way! I must stay positive, through these tough times, and keep trying!
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
JoeNob Premium
Thank you, Jamie! Sorry it took a year to reply lol. I just reactivated my account.
JessicaL86 Premium
I finally took a look at your site. looks good ;)
JessicaL86 Premium
Your ecig one that you did with siterubix. :)
JoeNob Premium
Thanks! =)

Which site though..? o_O;
JoeNob Premium
ohhh that site. Too bad no one visits it =(. Thanks on the compliment though. =)