About JonnyX
Joined August 2008
I like to unwind with jazz, cycling and candle lit dinners with my
girlfriend. I'm a fan of science fiction and philosophy. I also enjoy
action movies.
People have accused me of being smart, but have not done much with that, so I am here to learn some stuff and I am going to try to be smart with what I learn from here and again try to prove what people have said is actually hopefully true.
I'm here to learn and develop some serious internet marketing kung-fu
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Claudia Robison Premium
Hello JonnyX, this is Claudia again and as I said I pretty much know nothing, that's why I joined WA. I wanted to know everything about this business and hopefully be able to help people out in the future. Unfortunately, because I know absolutely nothing, this is extremely hard for me and I am going really slow because it's so hard to understand this completely new language. I started the "30 Day Success Club" back the 1st week of May, this is Sept 15th and I'm just still on Day 5!!!!!! It's very frustrating and I need LOTS of help. Right now I just finished writing my first article. The facts and content is good, I believe, but my writing is horrible and it sounds like a little kid trying to write something. I desperately need help. Do you proof read any articles? I am desperate for knowledge, I am desperate for success! But, I cannot do this by myself. I desperately needs lots of help from my WA friends!
Take care, and God bless you JonnyX!
Claudia Robison Premium
Hello Jonny x. Thank you so much for wanting to help me out. I'm still stuck in Lesson 2 of Action Plan, it says we have to complete all tasks before going on with the next lesson. One of the tasks is to read the "WordPress tutorial" but I cannot see those boxes. I keep clicking on the top left hand corner's icon and nothing happens. How can I "see" their explanations? All this new language sounds like Japanese to me. I really want to learn this, but how can I when I can't see what they are trying to teach me? Frustated, Claudia
Claudia Robison Premium
Hello JonnyX, Don't worry, I've been kinda gone too. I just have such little time to dedicate to this WA. But, I'm really trying to study. I'm still studying Lesson 2 in the "Action Plan" and as u remember it's really long because within that lesson you have to go into another tutorial (the WP one) and withing that tutorial there's another one and that's where I'm at. I have a million questions, but nothing specific right now. Thank u so very much for being so kind and willing to help me out. I'll yell, when I need ya...ha ha ha! Take care my sweet friend, Claudia
JonnyX Premium
Hi Claudia, I'm so sorry I've been away for so long, do you still need help?
phaeton Premium
Hello Jonny x. I must be really dense or something because I am having the same problem as Claudia. I can't get to the plugins page. I have come to the conclusion that I must be on the wrong page somehow. It must be a very simple thing that I am missing. So just how do I get to the "word press admin page" Really hoping that you can help me out with this. sincerely phaeton.
phaeton Premium
Everything is cool JonnyX. I told my wife a long time ago that using a computer is so very simple. All you have to do is read what it tells you on the page and then do it. I should have taken my own advice! lol.
JonnyX Premium
Hi Phaeton, I'm so sorry I've been away for so long, do you still need help?
Moneygroup Premium
Hey Buddy...I can see a little of me in you...accused of being smart, andtrying to do something about it...I am definetly joining that club!
JonnyX Premium
Gold for you, my friend!