Starting Fresh With a Clean Plate

Last Update: May 12, 2012
For the last couple of years I've been involved with so many things trying to find my niche in life, that I was getting nowhere but crazy. I had tried Internet Marketing and was actually a WA member for over 2 years, a few years ago. But I couldn't seem to stay focused on one thing in this area either so i got so frustrated, confused, broke, and began to believe I couldn't do it.

So I turned away from online marketing and started selling advertising from home. I built an online community group for moms in my local city and sold advertising on the site. I also began a big community event held on a regular basis at which I sold vendor tables. On top of that I was trying to get an MLM off the ground, which ended up being a dud company that still owes me $$$ a year later.

So recently I couldn't take it anymore. For all the work I was doing I was still making under $1500 per month, hardly helping my family financially and feeling under constant pressure. Accountable to so many people, always a "To Do" list as long as my arm. I was hating getting up in the morning.

So I began to look for an online answer again. I rejoined WA and started the 30-day. And also in the meantime I have been wrapping up all my other projects. Tomorrow I have another one of my events, which will be the last one until Sept now as I cancelled some intermediate ones... Come Monday I will be able to turn all my focus to my Affiliate Marketing. I'm so excited and relieved. 

I wonder how much I'd be making now if I had stuck it out 3 years ago, but cannot think like that. I've cut off all alternate choices now so I am here this time for the long haul. I look forward to getting to know everyone and to giving and receiving as part of this awesome community. It's going to be great.

See u all soon!!!
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Thanks for bloggin this gives me so much hope for myself. Like you I have been following a similar path, but I am saying goodbye to that. As long as you are determined and work hard you will succeed :)
Carson Premium Plus
karrilee Premium
Thanks so much Carson. That means a lot to me. I can't wait until Monday and throw my self into it with no other distractions... I'll be learning and promoting WA and learning some more. I intend to be at Vegas, so I'll look forward to meeting you and thanking you in person...

Would you mind critiquing my blog for me? Also I was wondering if there is still someone as the go-to person for help/advise promoting WA or do we just bring all our questions to the open forum now? My site is Any advice on making it better would be appreciated. I'm planning to add about 100 posts in the next couple of weeks and maybe a couple videos of me talking about WA..
Carson Premium Plus