I have a lot to learn!

Last Update: February 24, 2010

While I have been reading up on affiliate marketing for a while now and feel I have a pretty good understanding of what that is and how not to do it; I have to admit I find all this internet vocabulary very intimidating. I guess the key is to remember that I was a beginner at everything once. Someday I will be the one giving tips right? I have a professor who said just this morning, "The acquisition of vocabulary of all kinds is one of the most effective pursuits a person can have. It allows you to communicate to anyone on their level." So here goes. I just need some sort of english to internet dictionary and Im golden!

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JaredB Premium
Hey Kellie,
Welcome! I am pretty new, too. There is a great vocab resource here at WA. Just go up to the help bar on the top right of this page. On the bottom of the drop down is a WApedia database. It is a great place to get some basic definitions. Usually I have a dictionary open in another window as I work, too. Good luck!