A CB sale yesterday

Last Update: March 25, 2010

Hey there!! Kev here with more good news!

I sat down after some supper last evening, and went into ClickBank to look for a link and then....BOOM...there it was! 

 A Sale!


I haven't made a sale in CB for a loooooong time. Then, my first site (which was/is a CB product) I made up The Commission Ritual way was slapped down by Miss Google. It ended up way way freaking down in the caverns of Google hell. I know why and have learned from my mistake. (Too many backlinks from Keywordluv, Commentluv, and DoFollow TOO FAST)-those links are powerful use them sparingly my friends! 

Well, it is still getting a good bit of traffic in spite of that and I actually made a sale yesterday. 

I couldn't believe it...I had to do a double-take and click on a couple windows for it to sink in. 

This stuff does work! I was beginning to think that people didn't want to buy CB products because I have had over 2000+ people click on the link for that ClickBank product and not buy. I have made more sales of physical products than CB ones. 

Then again...this site is a health niche "acne" and they are notoriously hard and I know there are products in there that are better sellers than the one I picked. I am more experienced now and will choose a better one next time. 

 OK, back to work...time to copy-rinse-repeat.

I had a bit of writer's block yesterday while trying to come up with the homepage content, see... I am putting up a small site for my chiropractor, we have a handshake deal for a commission  of a product of his. Then, my mind went blank...grrr...hate that. Used to happen in college...

Do any of you have any suggestions for overcoming that??? 

If you do. please please let me know, thank you.

Have a great day!

Let's run after our dreams!!



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kemanS Premium
Hey thanks! That makes a lot of sense...almost like doing a memory dump to clean things out to make room for the creativity to flow.
Thank you.
sox1n05 Premium
Hey Kevin, that's great on your CB sale - those are REAL nice! Good going...

Now for writer's block. My recommendation is to open up notepad or word and just start typing anything and everything about the topic. Maybe it's revolving around Chiropractic care. What do you know about it? I know that people need adjustments to sustain a healthier balance. I know that it is more of an "homeopathic" approach to treatment. It also can help so much more than just your back, etc. Just start typing out everything you know about it. No rhyme, no reason. This will get the 'ol brain flowing and next thing you know, you have your content!