"My accomplishments thus far!"

Last Update: May 23, 2012
I just wanted to let everyone know of my accomplishments thru far! I have done so much in just a little time. Like creating a website and writing articles. Both are totally new to me. I was very excited to start WA and the small amount of time since I have been here I have connected well with the members here. They are really helpful.
Even though I work full time, I still find time to get some done. If I did not have this full time job I would be here 24/7 or almost 24/7. This is beyond new to me! I enjoy the small amount of time I do be here everyday. I am READY to be a big time IM. I am a little behind on the 30 Day Trainning, but I am getting done what I can for right now.  
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Ty Johnson Premium
Don't even worry about falling behind, not many people can keep up with the 30 day training, but that's not important, getting a little done every day is what's important, not giving up is what's important, who cares if it takes 3 months to finish it, as long as you get there.
kendrick Premium
You are right about that! "Your direction is more important than your speed."
BIS Premium
Congratulations on what you've already achieved. I'm really glad that you've shared your story with others because you are a great example of what you can achieve even if you have a very limited amount of time to spend on IM. Do a little, consistently will still lead you down the path to success.
kendrick Premium
Thanks BIS! I will get there!
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome and keep up the good work!
kendrick Premium
I will only get better! and thanks!