30 Days After PPC Club...What have I learned?

Last Update: October 20, 2010

Hye there WA buddies,

So I have reached the 30th day of the first WA PPC Club and I would like to share with you guys what have I learned in the past 30 days, and most importantly a self reminder to myself for the coming days.

First of all I would like to say is "Thank you very much Kyle & Carson for conducting this club!"..you guys have made huge commitment to sacrifice your time that you could have used to make more money for yourself.

Before this I was kinda lost with all the training and information that I receive everyday from other IM guru (bcoz I was subscribed to most of them). I wasn't sure what to start first and how to make my business grow.

The WA PPC Club is a very brilliant idea helping out new internet marketer building the basic structure for a long term business. A daily instructional guide is what I needed the most.

Here is what I've learned from the PPC Club:

1 - Organizing a daily action plan - Every day we have something to do, normally build a landing page and an ad group in YSM/Bing. Doing small things as a daily routine gives better result than trying to build 10 or 20 landing page in one day and do nothing for the next 30 days.

2 - Quality vs Quantity - we heard this a lot of time, and yes it is very important that we try to build 1 quality (targeted) campaign a day instead of 10 random copy paste pages. Take some time doing research for the campaign you want to build will increase the conversion rate. And another important quote that I like is:

"it's better to have 1 click a day from 1,000 relevent keywords than 1,000 klik a day from 1 broad keyword"

Building 1,000 relevent landing page with tightly grouped keywords takes time. It is impossible to build 100 high converting campaigns a day. Successful marketers invest their time and effort researching and building campaigns over time. Most of them did not make a fortune on their first month, but the thing is they don't quit. They are consistent at their work.

3 - Success is not just measured in money - Yes of course money makes us feel happy. But if we don't make anything yet, don't worry. Success could be anything, keeping up with your daily schedule, building a high converting landing page, tightly grouped keywords and ads, getting relevent traffic and possibly a subscriber to your autoresponder.

4 - Thinking long term - Even if we finished the 30 day club, it doesn't mean that it's the end of our marketing routine. It doesn't mean that we have to STOP if we are not making any profit or need to find other money making program. It's just the beginning! This is what builds our foundation to be an expert PPC marketer.

5 - Re-invest in our business - If we made money from our marketing,GREAT! But it's not time to blow that hard earned cash on our entertainment.It is time to put it back in our business.That means we have to sacrifice for the sake of our business to grow. Hopefully the continuing month we will make double the money that we are making now.

So that is pretty much what I could outline from the WA PPC Club, thanks for reading this blogpost. You can add any points if you like, just drop a line below. Hope you are doing great with your marketing.

Take care,


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prinker Premium
Great Blog! I'm hoping to get into the Article Marketing Club this time; I really need to start with a free concept before I make the plunge into PPC.
jatdebeaune Premium
Sounds like the PPC Club was excellent too. Hope they do both of them again because I didn't join this go round. Particularly interested in knowing what Marcus was teaching in the article marketing club. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Khairul Anwar Premium
Thx guys. I hope I get accepted into the article marketing club. I kinda suck at article marketing....
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Nuar for sharing your great blog! I agree with you 100%
andys43us Premium
words of wisdom. thanks for sharing.