All aboard the skylark!

Last Update: June 02, 2010

Well, here we go.  My very first ever blog (it has turned out to be a long one)  and the start of my journey into Internet Marketing.  I kind of stumbled into this by mistake, but am glad I did.  I have worked hard in various managerial roles over the last 20 years and have by and large thoroughly enjoyed all the challenges that have come my way.  But in the last few years, I have become more and more disillusioned by the ever increasing need for red tape and industry standards which actually don't add any value to the customer.  I have also grown weary of the constant demand for more work with less resources to the point where doing a good job becomes practically impossible.  And I do like to do a good job!

So after an unfortunate couple of years where I was unlucky enough to work under a couple of very unpleasant individuals and getting seriously stressed out,  I found myself in the fortunate position to take a short career break when my husband got a new job.

After a few false starts (actually, a lot), of trying to find something I could do from home so that I could fit in with my husbands new hours, I literally stumbled across IM adverts on the internet.  Weeks and probably hundreds of hours of research later, and I had come to the conclusion that WA was the place to be.  I think I am very lucky that I found WA so early in my IM life, having read some of the horror stories experienced, and the huge amounts of dosh spent, before some of the WA members found us.

So here I am, knowing absolutely nothing, a complete technophobe and I have never been so excited in my life!  It's not just the thought of taking a completely new direction in my life, it is the renewal of my faith in the human race by the generosity and genuine warmth of the WA family, which I have already experienced.  I have never worked anywhere where people are so genuinely willing to help others and take so much pleasure in doing so.  I know it will sound a bit trite, but it really warms my soul.

Why all aboard the skylark in my blog title?????  Well at the start of every car journey, no matter how short or long, my husband drives the (now grown up) kidsand me mad by insisting on shouting 'All aboard the Skylark' in a silly high pitched voice.  And I feel like I am really at the start of a new journey and I don't know how long or short it will be.  However, one things for sure - I don't ever want to 'arrive' on this journey, because that's when my husband shouts in a silly deep voice ........... 'Abandon Ship'!!!!!!!!!!




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