eZine Pulls One On Me... Again!

Last Update: January 18, 2011
I do a lot of article marketing... (broke my bank on ppc) and I am always in perpetual trouble with eZine articles and I often wonder why they let me stay.

I have over 50 articles with them on my first account (yes I have more than one) and I am still basic-plus status!  Have two in the red right now!

"Your article doesn't deliver on the promise made in your title."

 I didn't know I made any promises... truncated the title some more, yes this is the second time I have had to re-submit it... anymore title editing and I won't be able to use my keyword phrase!
But that is not the reason for this post.

Something hilarious happened to me the other day and it is still cracking me up so I thought I would share it with you.

I went to the post office to get the mail, this is something my wife usually does but she has been sick so I thought I would help her out by picking something I could handle (before she started assigning me stuff).

Any ways... I get that little yellow slip in the box saying I got a package so I go inside to get the package and the post master gives me this little white box with the red eZineArticles logo on it. Kinda caught me by surprise and he says "I didn't know your wife was a writer."

I look at the address on the box and it is addressed to Laura H.... yep tats her. I put the box in the truck and went to work. I didn't open it since it was addressed to her... that would be... well, just wrong right?

At dinner (I work swing shift) she opens it and it is a large coffee cup bearing the eZine logo... and a card congratulating her for becoming a Platinum stats author... and on her 10th article! My wife doesn't even drink coffee... or write articles for that matter.

Back in march I opened an account for her and created a blog trying to get her interested in marketing... we even made some slide presentations together and turned them into you tube videos. In the end she wasn't really interested... just supporting me (more like putting up with me).

I had written 4 articles for her and put them on her own eZineArticle account. They were approved and were a hit. They have done better than anything I have ever written. Her blog they are pointing to makes a consistent $100 a month.

I had used her account and (her persona) to write more articles in the health niche and they are doing well.

Now she asks me if I would like a cup of coffee in her "trophy mug".... we have been laughing about it for a week!
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Wayne Hudler Premium
Crazy stuff. Imagine the things we can learn from your experience.
mmorales Premium
Ha...that's awesome. Just goes to show that at times a woman's (persona) gets a better click through rate than a mans. I want one of those cups to drink beer out of (:
Incognito Premium
LOL. That's hilarious! Send my congrats to Laura :P
Labman_1 Premium
For a bit there I thought perhaps your BH was a better writer than you. So the take away from this is that the Health niche responds better to a female voice. Congrats on your trophy, Mine is still pristine. The wifely keeps threatening to fill it with Chai.
jatdebeaune Premium
What a great story! Congratulations on your trophy.