About Wayne Hudler
Joined November 2008
I am looking to build an internet marketing business to secure my retirement. I have dabbled in online business before but hope to learn what I need to know to be successful.

Over the past 30 years I have either worked in sales/sales management or been self employed. I understand business from the real world perspective but now I begin the education process for online business. What methods are used online that are unique versus the "real" world?

Update: May 2011

After more than 2 years here I decided this should be updated. Probably should have done it long ago.

I have learned and done so much in my time here. A brief recap:

1. Have one content site in my primary niche
2. Have 3 other related blogs in that niche
3. Created an ebook in that niche
4. Written over 150 articles

Those are just the highlights.

Then there are all the skills like keyword research, HTML, SEO, etc. This place is such a great resource. Whenever I need to move into a new direction or take my IM efforts to the next level all I need to know is here either in a tutorial, forum talk or a webinar.

So after all this time I have laid a great foundation to build that future retirement income upon. I still have such a long way to go to develop regular income though.

That remains the elusive part. The carrot hanging just out of reach.

But I am still learning and working to make it all happen. Any advice?
Wayne Hudler's Accomplishments

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iFaith Premium
Hi Wayne! Online unique vs. real world: instant, worldwide customer base.
Garage667 Premium
Wayne, thank you so much for commenting on my blog post!This is exactly how i feel!I really do appreciate your friendship along with your help!It means a lot to me!
newwave1972 Premium
Thanks for the invite if you need help do not hesitate good luck.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for the invite. We're buddies. All the best to you.
Benjamin83 Premium
Hi Wayne. I saw a website of yours promoting golf putting books and wanted to make you aware of my short game guide that I just released. - I'm currently in the tweaking stages of getting the product to convert better so I wouldn't go all out yet, but go ahead and sign up for the affiliate mailing list if you're interested - http://improveshortgame.com/affiliates.html

Payouts will be $40 per sale
Wayne Hudler Premium

I bought your book back around the end of Sept. Looking to add a short game section to my site.

I have a problem though and need your help please. The PDF I saved on my machine will not open now. The error message says the file is corrupted and can not be opened.

The file worked fine when I first downloaded it.

The email containing the link to download has been deleted so I am stuck with no way to replace the bad file.

Can you hook me up with a new download link?