"You Build It and They Will Come"

Last Update: April 09, 2010

Started a campaign the first of Feb on a niche that looked good to me as far as the traffic, the competitors and the product I am offering is great. I set up a giveaway to build a list and installed analytics to keep track of traffic.

This campaign was in a niche that I knew absolutely nothing about. Just needed to do something with a clean start to test my skills that I have learned here at WA. Devoted all my time to it for the month of February and the first 2 weeks of March.

I opened with 5 keywords, and built link wheels of 15 articles each for a total of approximately 75 not counting paid distribution and additional back links. I couldn't get any articles on page one! This was a shocker to me because I haven't had that problem before.Most results hovered around page 3 or 4.

I decided that I would stop and do something else for a while since I was tired of writing on the subject and had not made a sale in the first 6 weeks. Traffic to my site was converting well for my list building (over 50%) but just a couple visits per day.

I made my first mistake in judging my competition... although low search results were returned I was competing against doctors, pharmacies and the medical field and they evidently have tons of back links.

I also thought I might of wound up picking a looser on the product because gravity was almost non existent even though I was impressed with the product itself.

My second mistake (or not) was stopping, because this week I made 3 sales and my traffic has increased to 15 per day... I know that is not much but it is 3X what it was two weeks ago and I haven't worked on this campaign in three weeks!

 I checked my keywords and I have articles all over page 1 and 2 now. So things are starting to get some traction. I was just about to write this campaign off  but now I am going to work on it some more.

I made this post because I just read about another member who has not made a sale for his first 7 months at WA. I didn't make a sale for my first year!

Making sales on any campaign is difficult at first even if you have a winner. But the important thing is to keep at it... "You build it and they will come."




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pEcor_1977 Premium
thanks bob great post Im still in my 1st month and this helps give me a time line of what to expect
Louise M. Premium
good post! it's good to understand fast what are the mistakes we make in order to work differently, more effectively too :)
Ridgydidge Premium
These are the kind of posts I like!
mmorales Premium
Nice post Bob, just goes to show that proper research, planning, some persistence and patience pays off.
kadcpp Premium
Thank you so much for sharing! This is encouragement to keep going even if we move on your work may still be a benefit.