first blog ever

Last Update: June 10, 2010

I've never written one of these before so here goes:

I'm into my second week now at WA and I just cant believe how much I've learnt ,seriously, I'll never view the internet in the same way again! Two weeks ago I'd never even heard of Squidoo, Clickbank, etc. I'd never written a blog and very rarely posted on facebook, twitter and myspace, but now I'm looking at all of these with new eyes.

I've found my first product that I'd like to promote so I'll be getting to work  shortly writing articles (something else I'd never done before) and setting up my first lens.

I'm really enjoying the training and I can't believe how friendly and genuine everyone is on here, I was  a little apprehensive joining WA and am still a little overwhelmed by the whole experience, but looking forward to making my first sale so watch this space,all the best,


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