5 Keys On How To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat REALLY Fast!
Last Update: June 05, 2012
But for this quick post I'm going to show you how you can lose 10lbs really fast. How fast? Its hard to say because everyone is different, with unique metabolisms that react differently to variety foods.
As for exercise, how well your body responds depends on how long you workout for and how intense the workout is. So lets get started...
The First Key To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat Really Fast Is To...
Learn Portion control: 9 times out of ten the reason you keep gaining is in direct relation to the amount of food you consume at one sitting (it also has to do with food choices but more on that later). When you eat really large portions of pasta, bread, rice, white potatoes or an other starchy carbohydrate food you love. You are caucusing a huge spike in your blood sugar! Then your body need to release high amounts of insulin to drop your blood sugar back down to a healthy level. The problem with all that insulin is it likes to store the sugar as energy for later... as FAAAT!!!!
Do you know how big a post-it note is? Each portion in lets say a 3-couse meal should be right around that size.
The Second Key To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat Really Fast Is To...
Opt out of the high carb club: Go lower carb! The FDA total recommended daily intake of carbs is around 300! That's great for a bodybuilder trying to build muscle, but for someone who just wants to stay at a healthy weight and look decent with their shirt off at a beach, this is way to many carbs.
Try cutting it down to about 100-150 carbs a day.
The Third Key To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat Really Fast Is To...
Pick healthier food options:
Potatoes oh no stay away form all those potatoes or you'll get fat, Nonsense! Most of your common varieties of potatoes are starchy and you will want to limit these, BUT there are some lower starch varieties.
- red-skinned potatoes
- white round potatoes
- new potatoes
- fingerling potatoes
Rice: forget about white rice! Go wild or brown! Wild rice isn't really rice but its in the name and its good for ya. Brown rice has a lower GI (glycemic index) then white rice. They are essentially the same variety of rice, the only difference is brown rice still has the bran and the germ, white rice only has the starch.
Cooking tip: If leave the rice a little chewy, instead of on the softer side it will also have a lower GI.
Bread: forget about your grocery store brand breads, even whole wheat ones suck! True whole grain breads are only available online and in health food stores (as far as I know). They are low GI because the grains they use minimally processed. Most of your regular whole wheat breads use highly processed wheat flour that breaks down in the body just as fast as white flour and will cause that dreaded insulin spike!
The fourth Key To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat Really Fast Is To...
Add cardio + strength training to = quicker fat loss: Cardio is great for burning calories while you are active. Strength training on the other hand has an after burning effect that can burn extra calories 2-4 hour after you've already stopped being active. The more intense the session the longer the the after burn will be.
Strength training can also build muscle and by adding muscle you're increasing your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate). This is the rate at which you burn calories with ZERO physical activity. All of which can help you acquire a lean physique.
The fifth Key To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat Really Fast Is To...
Reduce all BAD stress: coming soon...
More coming shortly...
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Some great advice, thank you! Do you have any advice on how to get rid of that little extra on the tummy :) the plank ? sit ups? what would you recomend?
Loved the post got any tips on loosing the last of my belly fat! I don't eat a lot of starch based carbs and I am in pole dancing class 5 days a week building some very muscular arms for a woman but I am still struggling with fat in my tummy!