Creative Clean-up

Last Update: February 04, 2012

About 6 months ago, I had an idea.  It may have been longer.  Nevertheless, I took the plunge and grabbed a buying keyword.....created a quick site and busy with other stuff.  This whole time the site has been languishing,  I didn't even let the bots see it.

With part of a weekend free from other things and V-day coming up I thought perhaps this might be an appropriate time to get busy. Actually its way past time to work on this but hey, once its up there are other opportunities for these products.

So, I updated the Wordpress and all of the, I'm locked out of the site.  The message says that it is processing, so I'll go back and check later.  I'm hoping I haven't created a monster.

So, I guess I just go and work on something else.  There's so much to do and so little time.

Every time I think I have a handle on all this stuff, I get tossed a wrinkle.  See what I get for being cocky.


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canoz Premium
This gave me a chuckle even though it's not funny. After a few weeks of distractions I finally decided to get serious again yesterday and went to log onto my website. I had taken good advice and changed the theme last I was there and on my previous theme there was an admin button. It was now gone!!! It took me two hours, being close to tears and finally finding a solution on the forum (YAY!!) to find I could type wp-admin after my url. So if ever you think you're being challenged by something that should be simple you can just think of me and have a chuckle that at least you know what you're doing... most of the time! :)