DNS Changer Malware

Last Update: July 07, 2012
If you have been watching the News recently you have probably seen a blurb on the DNS Changer Malware. This is a sleeper of a nasty bit of malware that may cause problems on Monday 7/9/2012.

It seems that Google, Yahoo and assorted Government agencies (FBI) have been aware of this malicious code for quite a while and have provided (completely in the background) a way for it not to effect the users of the Internet.

What this will do if you are infected is to deny you service to the Internet.

This is happening because the fix that was put in place to minimize the effects of the malware was to move it to some mirror servers. These servers will be shut off on Monday at 12:01 AM (Not sure of the time zone).

If you are infected you should see a warning bar at the top of the Google SERP pages. Yahoo also displays a warning. If you are in this field of IM, chances are you have seen this warning (and ignored it) or that you are not infected. That's the good news.

Here is a CNET report on the Malware. http://download.cnet.com/8301-2007_4-57467164-12/what-the-dnschanger-malware-is-and-why-you-should-care-faq/

Here is a link to the verification software if you would like to confirm that you are uninfected:http://www.dcwg.org/detect/

Here's hoping that your system is clean and Green!
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Renni Premium
Thanks for the news Labman...My sites are all with GoDaddy and most hosted here at WA. Should I be worried? I haven't seen any warnings yet. Would it be a safeguard to not access the internet on Monday or would that just put it off until Tuesday? I'm gonna check your links now. I truly don't get why in the world people are so malicious that they would want to do this...I guess it's just because they can! >:(
Labman_1 Premium
If you have a problem you should see a message when you do a Google search. Most of us probably don't have issues.
The malware will keep you from accessing the internet after the mirror servers are shut off on Monday morning. If you are successful on Monday then there is no problem.
TJ Books Premium
I thank you! John
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Hey "Labman":

Thanks for the timely post!...signs of a WA member:) Very helpful for all members! "Liked This" and hope you win that Vegas trip:)
evknight Premium
Thanks...good info:)
mama2karsten Premium
Yes, I've heard about that. I understood from an ABC radio news report, it could shut down the internet Monday as the Government patch has some issues. Have not heard anything since until I saw your post. I have a couple of friends who have issues regarding that, including what I believe is a fake FBI notice asking for $100 to help correct it. Normally that would not be how they handle it.
It's great you posted it here for everyone. thanks