Feel like I ran a 1/2 marathon

Last Update: March 18, 2012

Well, not really but these old bones don't hold up like they used to .

We had a marathon training session today.  Our new training coordinator had a special treat for us.

First we were given waypoints to plot on our maps and then we programmed the GPS units with these waypoints.  We were instructed to get to at least 2 waypoints and then Waypoint 2.

Well the terrain for this training was somewhat vertical.  The finger lakes region of New York was scoured by Glaciers that created some "lovely" hills.  They are quite pretty when you are looking at them, not so much when you are experiencing them.

Gracie and I went for a walk, only about 4 miles.  About 1/2 of that was up and down about 30 degree slopes.  Waypoint 2 was 400 yards down a 70 degree slope.  And of course, back up.  The mercury hit 80 today, Nice record heat but tough on the dog as she still has her winter coat.  I expect that will all fall out this week.

The other task today was to get our dogs to go through a culvert.  This went under the road and had about 4 inches of water in the bottom.  Gracie knew how to go through things but had never gone into a dark tunnel before so I was a bit apprehensive.  Turned out not to be a problem.  She remembered her  command from the play tunnels at class and zipped right through.

 All in all a pretty good day.

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Renni Premium
Sound like Gracie is a smart doggy! How old is she? Was she as tuckered out as you?
Labman_1 Premium
Gracie is coming up on 4. Yup, she was beat. The heat got to her.