About Labo
Joined November 2008
Its alot to try and sum up but i'll do my best.
I don't like working. Within the last 24 hours, I've reached a mind set where I no longer feel guilty about it.
I'm a doctor, training to be a psychiatrist. I have a big exam this month. Then another in 3 months. If I pass them, I will be rewarded with another exam in just over a year's time. And for my patience and dedication, the prize will be one final exam in 2010.
I will no longer be treated like this.
"These exams don't even test you on whats relevent to your work" - this is my justification for not revising and I hope to stick with it!
Some may read this and feel uninspired. Paradoxically, some may feel the opposite.
I need a change in my life. I'm simply not happy. I can't achieve my goals and dreams in this profession.
Things are going to change.
My hobbies? Don't know yet because I've been concentrating on something that has so overwhelmed my life, that I don't fully know who I am and what are my interests.
I hope this is a new chapter in my life and I can't wait!
I hope joining the WA is a platform to greater things and I don't necessarily mean financially.
I'm honoured to be on board and very grateful to the founders. I wish myself and everyone else the best of luck!
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CCMT Premium
Welcome! I am convinced that we have come to the right place to assist in changing the path of our lives!
-- CC
labo Premium
Hi CC,
Thankyou for the kind contact! Its nice to know you started at a similar time to myself - I feel I can relate to you in a certain kind of way; lets hope it stays like that whatever the the outcome for both of us. I too am convinced that this venture will enlighten our lives in more ways than one. I hope we can keep each other motivated and inspired as this is likely to be a long and enduring process. By the way, I'm male, 28 years of age, from thr UK and no very little about this industry; but I want to learn and I want to believe! Best of luck!