About Larmr
Joined January 2008
My education is in Business Info Systems. Spent 5 years working various roles in IT. Then got into fitness and health, then started travelling around europe which I love. Now I am in London, which has great opportunities, and I endevour to give this IM thing a real crack so eventually I can help others do the same. My interests, music, sport (in particular motor racing and AFL), working out, travelling and the great outdoors, oh and obviously mucking around on computers...so why not try and make some doh out of it to!
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phbreez Premium
Hi there...Welcome to WA...good choice...very good. Been here about 5 weeks now.....lots to learn...please take your time and go through every little area of the WA site and notice down below on the bottom left is bookmarks that you can use when you are doing the lessons.....helps you get back to where you left off......took me forever to figure that one out...and there is Notes there too...helps alot.
If you have a moment, go to my WA blog as I kept some notes in the past few weeks that might help you a bit.......there is a nice new simple as pie way to get started.....oh and please make me a Buddy by using the button to the right...I'll make you a buddy too. If you have any concerns or get confused, email or leave me a note. A few of us newbies have gotten together to help each other out.

Best to you.....Phil phbreez
ogonor Premium
Love your simplicity and style. I am a newbie here finding new stuffs to get me promoting my search engine.
larmr Premium
Hey all can't wait to start becoming a part of such an inspirational community. To all your fortunes...in health and wealth! Cheers