About LawCityMareketer
Joined July 2011
Hello WA Community ,

My name is Angel Pagan I am a 21 years-old from Lawrence Massachuseets , but currently living in Sanford Maine, Things i enjoy doing in my spare time are writing lyrics and enetertaining anyone willing to listen with my freestyles, Fishing with friends and family , spending quality time with my beautiful wife and daughter , smoking marijuana ... ( and NO i dont have a Medical weed Card) .... Parden my honesty

I joined WA with the hopes of learning the IM buisness and utilizing what i learn to create a online buisness and eventually give me financial freedom

So thats me feel free to PM me with any questions ,

- Angel Pagan
LawCityMareketer's Accomplishments

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Redeemed Premium
Welcome to WA University. Best wishes to you in your training here at WA. I am new in the past three weeks; do not hesitate to ask questions; the members are willing to answer any questions and review any issue with you. Don't hesitate to TAKE ACTION. :-) Blessings on you in your parenting role. Mine are now grown.
NitroBuckz Premium
Welcome man! Let me know if you need help.. Lets get it!!
NitroBuckz Premium
Nun much bro.. yeah I have had decent sales. They could be more consistent but I dnt put in enough work as I should. U got your page built yet?
NitroBuckz Premium
Iight ill check it out.. I'm at gain-muscle-mass-lose-fat.com
Wazgood fam ... Have u had any success here ??
not yet ... ima newbie to the max ... im workin on rackcity.com ... it aint ready yet but u can surf there
im loving everything wa has to offer , im in the process of creating and tweaking my website ... been at it since 3 o'clock yesturday afternoon its now 3:51 AM time for some well deserved rest !!!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Thanks its very much appreciated ... i hope my decision to join pays off